European Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine T.17, z. 3 (2019)


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  • Pozycja
    Bladder Mullerianosis – a case report
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2019) Ostańska, Elżbieta; Aebisher, David; Kaznowska, Ewa; Bartusik-Aebisher, Dorota
    Introduction. Bladder mullerianosis is a rare and proliferative lesion that contains at least two types of ectopic Mullerian tissue in its wall. Aim. To present case of bladder mullerianosis. Description of case. The text contains a description of a clinical case of a 50-year-old woman admitted to a gynecological ward due to diarrheal symptoms and abdominal pain. In a CT examination of the abdominal cavity with contrast, within the posterior left-sided wall of the bladder a 43x25mm proliferative lesion suggestive of neoplastic character was revealed. Transurethral resection of the lesion (TURB) was performed. Histopathology revealed endosalpingiosis with small endocervical foci. The picture of hyperplasia met the criterion of mullerianosis. Conclusion. Bladder Mullerianosis is a very rare disease that occurs mainly in women of reproductive age. It has very good prognosis. It is important to differentiate the lesion with malignant tumor. The basis for the diagnosis is the histopathological examination of the lesion tissues taken during the surgery.
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    Adrenomyeloneuropathy – a case report
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2019) Leksa, Natalia; Aebisher, David; Galiniak, Sabina; Uberman-Kluz, Dominika; Bartosz, Serweryn; Bartusik-Aebisher, Dorota
    Introduction. Adrenoleukodystrophy is a genetic disorder linked to the X chromosome, in which the peroxisomal beta-oxidation process is disturbed. It is a metabolic disease that results in the accumulation of very long chain fatty acids (VLCFAs - very long chain fatty acids) responsible for the symptoms of damage to the adrenal cortex, gonads and the brain. Aim. A clinical case is reported. Description of case. This article describes the case of a 64-year-old woman who had neurological symptoms for many years, gradually increasing without significant improvement after the treatment (periodic steroid therapy). Conclusion. Based on tests (including the determination of the ABCD1 gene and very long chain fatty acids - VLCFA), adrenoleukodystrophy was suspected.
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    Open mesh repair of a voluminous recurrent inguinal hernia complicated by strangulation and intestinal obstruction
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2019) Edeh, Anthony Jude; Nwangwu, Chukwuemeka Chijioke; Okenwa, Wilfred Okwudili; Anekpo, Chijioke Chinedu; Eze, Balantine Ugochukwu Nicholas; Basil-Nwachukwu, Chinonso Chibueze
    Introduction. Inguinal hernia is a common surgical pathology in Nigeria but a giant (voluminous) recurrent strangulated inguino- scrotal hernia causing intestinal obstruction is very uncommon. Such a hernia, when it is recurrent and becomes complicated with strangulation and dynamic intestinal obstruction, presents many difficulties in management. Aim. To present the successful management of a case of a strangulated and obstructed giant recurrent inguinal hernia. Description of the case. Here we present the case of 47 year old man who had intestinal resection and anastomosis with prolene mesh repair of the posterior wall for a strangulated recurrent large inguinal hernia using the technique of tension free sutured prolene mesh popularized by Lichtenstein Conclusion. The patient recovered, was satisfied with his care and has been symptom free at 18 months of follow up. Giant recurrent hernias complicated by strangulated and intestinal obstruction are uncommon in Nigeria today, despite our resource- poor status. When they occur, tension free repair with sutured onlay prolene mesh after Lichtenstein, can be a useful and the best option with satisfactory results, as in the case reported.
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    Multi Drug Resistant Tuberculosis
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2019) Zacharia, Balaji; Roy, Antony
    Introduction. Tuberculosis is one of the oldest infections known to mankind. Of all infectious diseases, tuberculosis causes the most fatalities of any infection. The incidence of tuberculosis on the rise due to the increased prevalence of HIV infection. The incidence of drug resistance strains of mycobacterium is also on the rise. When the mycobacterium is resistant to both INH and rifampicin it is called multi drug resistant tuberculosis. There is a primary and an acquired type of drug resistance. Multidrug resistant tuberculosis is a not only a problem for the patient but also for society at large. The treatment of multidrug resistant tuberculosis requires an entirely different approach. Aim. In this review, we are going to describe the etiopathogenesis, diagnosis, investigations and treatment of multi drug resistant tuberculosis. Material and methods. Analysis of the current literature. Results. Genetic factors, previous treatment, and other factors predisposes the onset of drug resistance. By early detection and prevention of spread of drug resistant strains we can prevent the spread of resistant strains. Conclusion. Drug resistance in tuberculosis is a very complex and dangerous problem. We have to prevent the development and spread of MDRTB. Good quality drugs should be used and made available to all sections of the population. Enhancing the National tuberculosis programs is the best way to attain an effective way to control this menace.
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    Therapeutic possibilities of botulinum toxin in neurological disorders – treatment of limb spasticity in the course of brain damage
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2019) Nowak, Przemysław; Balicka-Adamik, Luiza; Stybel, Katarzyna
    Introduction. Botulinum toxin is produced by the anaerobic bacterium Clostridium botulinum. The sporulation form of the C. botulinum is widely found in the environment (in soil) and may develop in inappropriately stored food. The symptoms of poisoning occur 18-36 hours after consumption of contaminated food. Aim. The aim of this study is to present the benefits of using botulinum toxin in the treatment of spasticity of the upper and lower limbs in both adults and children. Material and methods. A literature review of the following databases was carried out: PubMed, UpToDate. Results. Botulinum toxin interferes with neural transmission by blocking the release of acetylcholine and causes muscle paralysis. The typical symptoms are diplopia, xerostomia, enteroparesis, speaking and swallowing disorders, as well as paralysis of respiratory muscles which leads to death. However, botulinum toxin is also a very potent medication. The biggest application is found in the field of neurology, inter alia, in the treatment of spasticity. Conclusion. The study provides current evidence regarding the safety and efficacy of botulinum toxin injection for spasticity of the upper and lower limbs. Botulinum toxin injections are applicable in the treatment of many neurological disorders and the list of indications will certainly become wider.