Journal of Education, Technology and Computer Science nr 5(35)2024
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Pozycja A Comparative Analysis of Selected Data Mining Algorithms and Programming Languages(The University of Rzeszów Publishing House, 2024-12) Dymora, Paweł; Mazurek, Mirosław; Smyła, ŁukaszThis paper evaluates the performance of ten selected data mining algorithms in the context of classification and regression and the effectiveness between two popular programming languages used in data science: Python and R. The algorithms included in the study were Naive Bayes Classi fier, K-Nearest Neighbors (k-NN), Support Vector Machine (SVM), Decision Tree, Random Forest, Gradient Boosting Machine (GBM), Logistic Regression, Linear Regression, Ridge Re gression, and LASSO Regression. The study aimed to evaluate how the various algorithms per form in classification and regression tasks in the context of a specific problem, in this case fraud detection. The performance of the algorithms was evaluated based on key metrics such as accura cy, execution time, the difference between the best and worst results, and in terms of mean square error (MSE). Moreover, learning tools such as R and Python enable students not only to perform multidimensional data analysis, but also to predict future trends and changes. The ability to work with data, modelling and visualisation are key competences in the context of many areas of mo dern life and to support the making of accurate business decisions.Pozycja AR Application Design Requirements for Technical Education(The University of Rzeszów Publishing House, 2024-12) Litecká, Juliána; Mitaľová, ZuzanaWe cannot question the importance of technical education at the present time. Each education has its own specifics, which must be considered during scientific and research activities. The paper deals with the AR application design in education. Within this contribution, we are based on the characteristics of augmented reality and the possibilities of developing applications for education, which relate to the Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning and our experience with the possibilities of creating applications in augmented reality. Based on this, in the contribution we defined five key areas (appearance, functionality, content, cognitive effectivity and sharing, compatibility and connectivity) of requirements for the design of AR applications with the specification of cognitive effectivity for technical education.Pozycja Current Status and Readiness of Schools to Implement Teaching Aimed at Developing Computational Thinking(The University of Rzeszów Publishing House, 2024-12) Klement, Milan; Bryndová, Lucie; Šaloun, PetrComputational thinking and its implementation in the Czech national curriculum is currently one of the major challenges that the pedagogical experts are dealing with, not only in the context of the major revision of the Framework Educational Programmes for Primary Education. The aim of the presented research work was to find out the current state of implementation of the revised Framework Curriculum Framework aimed at the development of computational thinking in Czech schools. Therefore, the conducted investigation mapped in more detail the attitude of teachers to the changes in the educational area of Informatics and whether they already teach according to the revised Framework of the Framework of the Curriculum, the extent of their knowledge and experience with the new content of this area and finally reveal the state of their working background. The preparation, course and results of this investigation are presented in the paper.Pozycja Editorial(The University of Rzeszów Publishing House, 2024-12) Walat, WojciechPozycja Forecasting the Arrival of the Next Pandemic Wave – Modeling and Tools(The University of Rzeszów Publishing House, 2024-12) Dymora, Paweł; Mazurek, Mirosław; Górniak, PaulinaThe scope of the paper is to review the literature on data analysis and visualization in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and to describe the different tools and methods used in this type of analysis. Examples of the use of these tools in practice and their limitations will also be presented. The paper concludes with conclusions and recommendations for the use of data analysis and visualization to better understand the COVID-19 pandemic and to predict the arrival of future pandemic waves.An important feature of the article is the possibility of a broad overview of modelling possibilities and the selection of appropriate frameworks and tools which can be used in the educational process of data analysis for students for in-depth study and prediction of trends and data, in particular of such important issues as the evolution of pandemic.Pozycja I'm a Retiree: My Brain After the Age of 60(The University of Rzeszów Publishing House, 2024-12) Hilčenko, Slavoljub; Nikolić, SanjaThe work emphasizes that the brain of individuals over 60 years old is more practical than commonly believed. Despite reduced speed inherent in the younger brain, the older brain becomes more flexible, promoting sound decision-making and reducing negative emotions. The peak of intellectual activity in older individuals occurs around the age of 70, accompanied by an increase in myelin, resulting in a 300% improvement in intellectual abilities. With a healthy lifestyle, intellectual capacities do not decline with age but rather grow, reaching their peak between 80 and 90 years of age.Pozycja List Of Reviewers In Year 2024(The University of Rzeszów Publishing House, 2024-12) Lib, WaldemarPozycja Music and Technology as Factors of Interdependence in the Mental Health of Students(The University of Rzeszów Publishing House, 2024-12) Papakostopoulou, Paraskevi; Armakolas, Stefanos; Krotký, JanSince ancient times, music has been an element of people’s daily life, so today it is considered a part of companionship, entertainment, relaxation, relaxation and admiration for people. The role of emotions it evokes, the therapeutic effects on mental health, the role of music therapy but also the involvement of artificial intelligence in the production and distribution offer a fertile ground for further research. The aim of the present study is to investigate the music influence in the mental health of a person and generally in the mental health status. Moreover, the role of music therapy will be addressed as well as the crucial role of artificial intelligence in music production and distribution. The type of the research followed was quantitative, using a questionnaire addressed to 177 people. Furthermore, statistical methods are used for the interpretation of the data, and the valid analysis of the findings. The findings highlight the crucial aspect of music and technology in mental health, paving the way for further research in these areas. Overall, the article offers a multidimensional overview regarding the relationship between music, technology and mental health.Pozycja Oświadczenie autorów artykułu pt. „Podręczniki szkolne w Galicji w II połowie XIX i na początku XX wieku w świetle prac Komisji Podręczników Szkolnych przy Radzie Szkolnej Krajowej” opublikowanym w czasopiśmie „Edukacja – Technika – Informatyka” (2018) dotyczące zapożyczeń z artykułu Profesor Marii Stinii(The University of Rzeszów Publishing House, 2024-12) Walat, Wojciech; Warzocha, TomaszSkładamy na ręce Pani Dr hab. Marii Stinii, prof. UJ nasze przeprosiny za zaistniałą sytuację związaną z nieuprawnionymi zapożyczeniami z artykułu Pani Profesor pt. Podręczniki w gimnazjach galicyjskich w latach 1860–1918, który został opublikowany w Pracach Komisji Historii Nauki Polskiej Akademii Umiejętności 6, 5–39 w 2004 roku. Przeprosiny kierujemy również do Redakcji obu czasopism oraz środowiska naukowego historyków.Pozycja Parallel Programming in PC and Computer Cluster Environment – Selected Computational Problems(The University of Rzeszów Publishing House, 2024-12) Pękala, Robert; Szumilak, Jakub; Mucha, AdrianParallel programming is a skill that requires the use of technologies and techniques that allow applications to use multiple threads/processes simultaneously. In some cases, this is a condition for their launch or correct operation. This article presents selected aspects of such a programming using the example of two proposed applications: for PC computers with the .NET platform and application designed for a computer cluster operating in the GNU/Linux system. These are two applications with different purposes – the first uses image processing mechanisms, while the second – is the implementation of precise numerical calculations. The proposed applications were designed in the context of using multithreading and multiprocessing technologies. The obtained results indicate that implementing appropriate programming techniques is an important aspect of programming various types of applications, ensuring their correct operation and acceleration of long-term calculations.Pozycja Proposal for the Breakdown of the Objectives of Technical Education in 3. Cycle of Primary School in the Light of the New School Reform(The University of Rzeszów Publishing House, 2024-12) Pavelka, JozefIn relation to the aims and objectives of the ongoing curriculum reform in Slovakia, the study presents a possible approach to working with the newly conceived educational objectives of technical education in primary schools in Slovakia, based on an analysis of the educational area of Man and the World of Work.Pozycja Selected Methods in the Process of Teaching a Chronically Ill Child at the Early School Stage(The University of Rzeszów Publishing House, 2024-12) Babiarz, Mirosław; Majda, AgnieszkaThe article discusses the definitions and models of chronic disease, and lists examples of diseases that are considered chronic diseases and fit into the classification of students with special educational needs. The role of chronically ill student in early school education and the goals that a teacher should set when working with a child are explained. The article contains considerations on selected methods of therapy for a child with a chronic disease.Pozycja Teacher Qualifications – an Important Factor in the Subject of Technology(The University of Rzeszów Publishing House, 2024-12) Lukáčová, Danka; Bánesz, GabrielThe subject of technology in primary schools has not been sufficiently provided with space and material since the reform changes in 2008 and subsequently since the curriculum innovation in 2015. Research by several authors points to this fact. In this article, we investigate the relationship between the views of teachers of the subject of technology on the material and technical equipment of schools for teaching this subject and the qualification of teachers.Pozycja The Examination of the Popularity and Development of the CodeCup Team Competition(The University of Rzeszów Publishing House, 2024-12) Blénessy, GabriellaInternational Informatics Olympiad in Teams (IIOT) is a competition for teams of high school students, organized since 2017. Hungary first participated in 2021. CodeCup, our national qualifier competition, gradually gained popularity over the past three years. In 2023–2024, teams have competed in four qualifying rounds. The goal of our research was to find means of increasing the number of competitors in CodeCup, and potentially in other national qualifier competitions as well. Primarily, we wanted to measure the effects of recent changes in the competition rules. We examined trends in the participation of the last three years: the list of involved schools, the age and gender distribution of students, with special regard to the impact of Program’Petition, a lightweight teer of CodeCup, launched in 2023. The results show that the number of schools has not changed significantly, but the number of competitors and the ratio of girls has increased.Pozycja The Principle of Polyformity in Mathematics Education(The University of Rzeszów Publishing House, 2024-12) Nikolić, Sanja; Hilčenko, SlavoljubThe concept of mathematics is widely used in various societal spheres. As an educational subject, it engages students’ logical thinking, contributing to the development of their competencies and thereby equipping them for specific life vocations and future career choices. Mathematics teaches us to be wise and to solve problems step by step. It is to be appreciated for being a logical puzzle, posing a challenge and fostering a readiness to engage with it in various ways. Anyone can learn mathematics; there is no human activity that does not depend on it. Almost all secondary schools and many universities include mathematics as a subject. The significance of the subject extends beyond education, playing a crucial role in shaping one’s personality. The objectives and tasks of the educational subject are strictly defined, with primary education aiming at acquiring basic linguistic and mathematical literacy.Pozycja The Use of Graphic Programs in the Educational Process of Technical Subjects at Secondary Schools and Universities(The University of Rzeszów Publishing House, 2024-12) Kučerka, Martin; Žáčok, Ľubomír; Bernát, MilanIn the era of digital transformation in education, graphic programs are becoming an indispensable tool in the educational process of technical subjects at secondary schools and universities. Their use extends beyond innovative methods of knowledge transfer and positively influences the development of students' cognitive abilities, such as spatial imagination, analytical thinking, and problem-solving. Moreover, mastering graphic programs prepares students for the demands of the current labour market in fields such as engineering, architecture, and design. This study analyses the use of graphic programs in the education process of technical subjects at secondary and higher education institutions, focusing on their specifics in the context of each educational level.Pozycja The Use of VR Technology in Teaching Electrical Power Engineering on the Example of the VES Application(The University of Rzeszów Publishing House, 2024-12) Daszczyński, TadeuszThe article presents the use of virtual reality (VR) technology in the process of teaching elec trical power engineering, based on the Virtual Electrical Switchgear (VES) application. The author discusses the advantages of using VR in education, pointing to interactivity, the possibility of carrying out practical tasks and improving student engagement. The functions of the VES applica tion were also presented, which allow the simulation of realistic scenarios related to learning how to build and operate MV switchboards. The article also includes research results confirming the effectiveness of using this application in the teaching process, including increasing the effective ness of learning and improving students’ understanding of issues. An important perspective for the development and further use of VR technology in the field of teaching electrical power engineer ing was noted, contributing to improving the quality of education in this field.