Polityka i Społeczeństwo nr 4(14)/2016
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Pozycja Aktywność obywatelska na poziomie lokalnym i jej determinanty (na przykładzie Krakowa)(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2016) Łabędź, KrzysztofThe text presents the civil engagement of the inhabitants of Krakow, as a place that should promote a relatively high level of engagement, against the background of the low level of civil engagement across the entire country. As a result of the analysis of some of the signs of this engagement related to the system of representation, engagement of a participative character, and engagement defined as spontaneous, it has been established however, that while there are a great deal of initiatives, the number of inhabitants participating in them does not justify the conclusion that the engagement is higher than that observed across the country. The reasons for such a state of affairs include, inter alia, the politicization of the local matters, the manner of approach on the part of the local authorities and self-government administration, but above all, a lack of interest on the part of the inhabitants, resulting from the weakness of the social capital and the existing institutional opportunities for fulfilling relevant needs. The predominant motivation with regard to taking up the engagement is a threat to one’s own interest and the predominant form is by signing petitions and appeals.Pozycja Andrzej Żebrowski, „Walka informacyjna w asymetrycznym środowisku bezpieczeństwa międzynarodowego. Wybrane problemy”. „Prace Monograficzne” nr 740, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego, Kraków 2016, 560 ss., Bibliogr., ISBN 978-83-7271-952-2(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2016) Olszyk, SabinaPozycja Assessing risks. A critical perspective on conflict early warning systems(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2016) Stępka, MaciejSystemy Wczesnego Ostrzegania przed Konfliktami (SWOK) tworzą analizy ostrzegawcze, mające na celu zwrócić uwagę decydentów na potencjalne kryzysy międzynarodowe oraz uruchomić akcje prewencyjne. Dlaczego jednak w wielu przypadkach systemy nie spełniają swojego zadania? Niniejszy artykuł podejmuje się krytycznego przeglądu teorii wczesnego ostrzegania oraz koncepcji wyjaśniających ich niepowodzenia. Pozwoli na lepsze zrozumienie roli SWOK w zapobieganiu konfliktów oraz przybliży modele wykorzystywania specjalistycznych ekspertyz na poziomie międzynarodowym.Pozycja Bezpieczeństwo informacji i ochrona danych osobowych jako polityka publiczna – analiza wprowadzania mechanizmów i uregulowań prawnych(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2016) Wojciechowski, ŁukaszThe article aims to provide a comprehensive account of the legal regulations and mechanisms for the protection of personal data in Poland. In the last few years, considerable attention has been paid to this subject, which results in the wide-ranging character of the issues examined. The author classifies, based on sectors, the protection of personal data as a public policy and justifies such classification through the use of, among other tools, an institutional and legal method and factor analysis. The conclusions of the article are based on the analysis of the Polish legislation on the protection of personal data as well as on the analysis of the practical implementation of the solutions in companies, government and self-government institutions. Based on the results, it can be concluded that the protection of personal data falls within the scope of the public policy. However, it is necessary to take into account that some of its elements must be assigned to the policy of a party.Pozycja Efektywność polityki wobec Romów w Polsce jako polityki publicznej(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2016) Szewczyk, MarcinThe aim of the analysis is to assess the effectiveness of Polish policy towards the Roma as a public policy. The research method used is a systemic analysis, supplemented by legal and comparative analysis of the sources. The conclusion from the study is that the ethnic public policy against the Roma can be effective. However, this requires the adoption of specific assumptions. The efficacy of public ethnic policy is not associated with the efficiency. It cannot be well judged from the point of view of cost-effectiveness and the measurability of the effects in relation to investment. In addition, the evaluation needs to take into account the category of equity and recognition of European democratic and humanistic values. Such an approach is not common in European society, and discrimination against minorities is becoming more common and intense in Poland and throughout Europe. This is a key issue that may reduce the possibility of implementing public ethnic policy.Pozycja Między konfliktem a pojednaniem. Ludy rdzenne Meksyku w ustawie zasadniczej i działalności administracji publicznej(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2016) Biernacka, MajaThe article is dedicated to constitutional grounds and public policy in Mexico with reference to indigenous peoples. Many of them are subject to severe social problems such as school absenteeism and dropouts, illiteracy, poverty and unemployment. The fundamental institution which specializes in public activity for the benefit of indigenous people in Mexico is the “National Commission for the Development of Indigenous Peoples (La Comisión Nacional para el Desarrollo de los Pueblos Indígenas)”. It was founded under Article 2 of the Constitution and operates at the federal level to devise strategies and implement public sector activities, including entitlement programs in order to foment their development.Pozycja „Państwo Islamskie” i jego wpływ na aktualne bezpieczeństwo międzynarodowe(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2016) Machniak, ArkadiuszThe Islamic State was established as a result of many political, social and economic factors. It is currently the strongest terrorist structure in the world, which has support among the Islamic community across the globe. IS is a creation, which destabilizes the situation in the Middle East and threatens international security. Only the creation of a single international coalition sharing a common military and political policy against the IS can lead to the neutralization of this threat.Pozycja Piotr Sztompka, „Kapitał społeczny. Teoria przestrzeni międzyludzkiej”, Wydawnictwo Znak, Kraków 2016, 350 ss.(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2016) Dzwończyk, JoannaPozycja Polityka informacyjna urzędów centralnych w Polsce na przykładzie wykorzystania internetowych kanałów przekazu informacji(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2016) Szczegielniak, MichałThe aim of this paper is to analyze the information policy of selected central offices on the Internet. In the first part of the article the author defines the nature of information policy. Then the author intends to verify the following thesis: the central offices do not conduct a sufficiently effective information policy. This is due to the lack of systematic action, improper preparation of the content of the messages and the inability to cater to the needs of people with disabilities. The author answers the following research questions: whether the actions taken by the audited offices are in line with a specified strategy or just perform ad hoc actions; whether the information provided is written in intelligible, understandable language and if it is accessible to people with disabilities. Particular attention will be given to the content available on the Internet, in particular on the websites of central offices.Pozycja Polsko-niemiecka szkoła letnia dla młodych dziennikarzy mediów regionalnych i lokalnych z Ukrainy, Uniwersytet Rzeszowski, 3–10 lipca 2016 roku(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2016) Furman, WojciechPozycja Pozycja prawna spikera Izby Gmin(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2016) Pastuszko, GrzegorzThe subject matter of this article is the institution of the Speaker in the British parliamentary system. All the remarks, set out in the article, focus on four major themes: 1) genesis of the office, 2) mechanism for election and the duration of the term of office, 3) impartiality and, 4) scope of the powers produced by legislation or created in parliamentary practice. As can be seen then, the concept of the article enables the contemporary institution of the Speaker to be portrayed including the historical background. It also enables the author to prove his main thesis, indicating that all the changes concerning this institution, which have been made over last couple of years, resulted neither in enhancing nor in weakening the parliamentary role of the Speaker as a neutral arbitrator between political parties in the UK parliament.Pozycja Ruchy społeczne i myśl polityczna – co, jak i po co badać?(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2016) Malendowicz, PawełThe article is a form of reflection upon the research subject, the research methods and the aim of research on social movements and political thought. The author of the article suggests that in the research being carried out one should use methods characteristic of other scientific disciplines and the terms used in other sciences, for example in medicine, cognitive science or sociology. Replying to the question of the aim of research, the author explains that science is to serve the cognition and understanding of the world. Science is not supposed to be an art cultivated by a small circle of scholars in order not to contribute to the degeneration of the social system.Pozycja Sprawozdanie z międzynarodowej konferencji naukowej ,,Debiut naukowy 2015 – zrównoważony rozwój”, 1 lipca 2016 r., Bielsko-Biała(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2016) Kuśmider, Kamil M.Pozycja Uwarunkowania szwedzkiej polityki neutralności(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2016) Kobierecka, AnnaSweden has a long tradition of political neutrality. It is conditioned by a large number of factors ranging from historical tradition of military inactivity, through social conditions (strong sense of social solidarity and a tradition of respect for the law and authority), political (the essential role of socio-democratic thoughts on the expression of pacifist tendencies), and ultimately to economic (the economic and financial advantages resulting from having avoided involvement in the two world wars). Simultaneously, the characteristic pragmatism of Swedish politics has led to the evolution of the policy of neutrality alongside the changing international situation. The economic and political benefits flowing from European integration, along with the growing catalogue of real threats to international security have led to the gradual abandonment of the politics of neutrality by Sweden. It is therefore worth contemplating the future of the Swedish politics of neutrality, and the likelihood of fundamental changes in the international arena that would be inherent in a Swedish accession to NATO.