UR Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences nr 2(11)/2019
URI dla tej Kolekcjihttp://repozytorium.ur.edu.pl/handle/item/5442
Przeglądanie UR Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences nr 2(11)/2019 według Temat "communication"
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Pozycja Evolution of ethical standards in the press policy of state higher education institutions(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2019) Ulita, MaciejState higher schools (mainly universities) play a special role in shaping social attitudes. Hence the reasonable conclusion that they themselves must present a high level of ethics. On the one hand, it is not difficult, because moral standards are inscribed in academic life per se. On the other hand, it should be remembered that the academic community consists of very diverse groups, often with divergent interests, which makes it difficult to harmonise existing standards (of course, unification on paper is very easy, but it is about the practical application of norms, preferably in the spirit of categorical imperative – that is, through the internal awareness of necessity of their use). So, the question is – is effective and ethical communication possible at one and the same time?