Polityka i Społeczeństwo nr 3(18)/2020
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Pozycja Demokratyczna debata w mediach społecznościowych – utopijne nadzieje i smutna rzeczywistość(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2020) Miotk, AnnaThe text analyzes social media in terms of the possibility of conducting a democratic debate through them. Initially, their users had great hopes to do so. Social media were to be not only a tool for expressing opinions or presenting statements but also for disseminating the model of liberal democracy. However, the business model of these media, as well as content filtering algorithms, introduced to protect users against information overload, prevented this from happening. To prove this thesis, the author referred to Sunstein's public forum doctrine and proved that social media do not constitute its equivalent. Although the media provided a space for discussion, they did not ensure equal access for senders of messages to recipients and recipients to a variety of content. The topic of the negative impact of social media on liberal democracy is already raised in English scholarship (and is already present in Poland through its translations) and it is also gradually gaining academic currency among Polish researchers. What constitutes a novel contribution to the already available research is the presentation of social media in the context of the utopian high hopes the media initially raised.Pozycja Mity dotyczące energii odnawialnej w opinii młodzieży województwa podkarpackiego(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2020) Woźniak, MarianElectricity is one of the factors shaping the quality of life of society. The Polish energy sector is to a large extent identified with fossil fuel used in conventional energy, based mainly on hard coal, which is not fully in line with the current energy policy of the European Union. Therefore, today it is necessary to use renewable energy more efficiently, which, in addition to the clearly indicated economic effect, also accentuates environmental effects. The purpose of the work is to show the opinions of young people aged 15–24 in terms of their awareness of the interpretation of myths about renewable energy, which is a key problem in the development of the modern energy sector, and to indicate the directions of development of the energy policy in Poland.Pozycja Działalność Johna Bagota Glubba – polityczne skutki tolerancji kulturowej(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2020) Wróblewski, BartoszThe contemporary western political discourse is dominated by the conviction of the equality of cultures. This conviction is treated as a recent accomplishment of the leftist liberal trend of western societies. The following text indicates that this conviction may in certain cases be invalid. The person who shattered this concept was John Bagot Glubb. This British officer serving the British Empire in the Middle East since 1921 was the chief commander of the Jordan army in the period between 1939 and 1956. J. B. Glubb was a conservative member of an old noble family from the south of England and at the same time he was passionate about the Arabic culture – in particular about the life of the Bedouin. In contrast to many contemporary supporters of political correctness, he did not depreciate his own culture, but he showed genuine recognition of many features of the Arabic culture. He spent his whole life working to bring the West and the Arabs closer. Now one may accuse J.B. Glubb of numerous political mistakes, e.g., typically British paternalism, but nonetheless his life indicates that it was possible for an activist representing the conservative trend in the European culture to be a proponent of bringing cultures together.Pozycja Rola krajowej infrastruktury gazowej w kształtowaniu współczesnego bezpieczeństwa energetycznego Polski(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2020) Mróz, MaciejThe article discusses the impact of the gas infrastructure on the current energy security of Poland. In this context, the subject of the analysis is the natural gas as a low-emission intermediate fuel and the elements of the Polish gas infrastructure responsible for Poland's energy security. The main goal of the article is to try to answer the question: how to form Poland's current and future energy security in the field of gas infrastructure? The whole analysis has been conducted from the national and regional perspective.Pozycja Rola rad młodzieżowych w lokalnym życiu publicznym (wyniki badań empirycznych)(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2020) Boratyn, DominikYouth councils are one of the entities functioning within local government units. According to law, the councils have an advisory character, but in practice these bodies also perform a number of other functions. Youth councils are forums that represent the views of young people at a local level; the councils shape, develop, activate, and educate the youth as well as create a forum for cooperation between local authorities and young people. The work in a youth council contributes to the development of a person's personality; it provides satisfaction, self-fulfillment; helps to develop social competences and to meet the need to be noticed and appreciated. The paper presents the results of empirical research, in which the author proves that the main role of youth councils is to activate the local life of young people.Pozycja Zostać czy wracać? Metaforycznie o reemigracji Polaków po Brexicie(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2020) Fel, Stanisław; Kozak, Jarosław; Wódka, MarekPoles represent one of the largest groups of economic immigrants to the UK. As a result of Brexit, many of them have redefined their migration scenarios, which has affected the economy and some areas of social and cultural life in the UK. This paper presents the results of our original quantitative study conducted in the autumn of 2019 on a sample of 620 Polish respondents living in three locations in England – London, Oxford, and Swindon. The study addresses the question Do Polish migrants intend to return to Poland, and if they do, when? and examines to what extent this decision is influenced by the length of their stay in England, by their financial situation, by their knowledge of English, by their ability to assimilate culturally, by how much they miss their family, by homesickness, and by their craving for Polish culture. The article follows the typology of attitudes adopted by Poles towards Brexit, as identified by Agnieszka Trąbka and Paulina Pustułka.Pozycja Teoria i praktyka ochrony informacji niejawnych – wybrane zagadnienia dotyczące bezpieczeństwa informacji(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2020) Zapart, RobertA key issue for every state is the protection of information about its resources that should not be made public for various reasons, including national security reasons in particular. The article discusses the problem of its lawful protection against unauthorised disclosure in relation to emergency situations. The author claims that the discrepancies in this area result from both the provisions of the Act on the Protection of Classified Information, which allows for excessive arbitrariness, and the shortages caused by the actions of persons working in the public administration sector. A slight amendment to the current legislation, combined with training on the marking of materials that require actual protection, may ensure the systemic enhancement of the protection of classified information and thus, national security, without excessively limiting the transparency of public life.Pozycja Environmental labels and declarations in public policies of Poland(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2020) Ziółkowski, BożydarWiele krajów implementuje do swojej polityki mechanizmy wspierające ekoznakowanie. W Unii Europejskiej zagadnienie ekoznakowania stało się przedmiotem szerszego zainteresowania po przyjęciu przez Komisję Europejską w roku 2015 planu działania na rzecz gospodarki o obiegu zamkniętym (Circular Economy Action Plan). Trwający obecnie proces transformacji UE w kierunku gospodarki o obiegu zamkniętym znajduje się na etapie diagnozy potrzeb społecznych oraz projektowania możliwych rozwiązań w polityce publicznej. Istotnym problemem prowadzonej debaty jest stosunkowo ogólne podejście do konsultowanych zagadnień, przy jednoczesnym braku analizy z perspektywy krajowej – dotyczy to także kontekstu ekoznakowania. Aby zmniejszyć lukę poznawczą ujawniającą się w procesie przedmiotowej deliberacji, celem niniejszego artykułu jest zbadanie oraz identyfikacja w obrębie krajowych polityk publicznych istniejących inicjatyw wsparcia programów ekoznakowania. Analiza kontekstowa dostępnych dokumentów dostarcza diagnozy niskiego zaawansowania interwencji publicznej w zakresie rozwoju etykiet i deklaracji środowiskowych na terenie Polski.Pozycja Negacja autorytetów i pogarda a społeczeństwo masowe(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2020) Cwynar, Katarzyna M.The author takes up the problem of the negation of authorities in mass society. She points to their significance so far and the premises of their contemporary negation. Not without significance in this case is the issue of rejecting higher values in favour of the pragmatisation of life and the formation of a mass society, whose main principle is mediocrity. The aim of the considerations is to indicate the manifestations of contemporary processes resulting in the negation of authorities of an axiological nature, and the contempt for higher values. They are reflected in such areas of culture as science, art, politics and religion.