Polityka i Społeczeństwo nr 3(13)/2015
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Pozycja Posiadanie praw publicznych oraz posiadanie praw wyborczych jako przesłanki czynnego prawa wyborczego w Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2015) Biłgorajski, ArturThe aim of the study is to analyze and evaluate the two conditions of the active right to vote in the Republic of Poland, namely: having public rights and having the right to vote; and also to determine their mutual relations. This topic is worth considering for at least two reasons. Firstly, as a rule the representatives of the science of constitutional law do not deal with those conditions, assuming that it is the domain of specialists in other areas of law, especially in substantive criminal law. Secondly, those conditions are very often identified with each other. This is an obvious mistake, because the institutions of “deprivation of public rights", and "deprivation of the right to vote", which are related to the conditions discussed above, differ in the following areas: the legal basis; the nature of the sanctions; objective scope; subjective scope; conditions of their application; the authorities empowered to use them; the period of time during which they can be ordered.Pozycja "Kodeks wyborczy" w świetle poglądów doktryny i orzecznictwa Trybunału Konstytucyjnego. Wybrane problemy(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2015) Eckhardt, KrzysztofThe article discusses the jurisdiction of the Constitutional Tribunal and opinions of the doctrine on the subject of the introduction of single-member electoral districts in elections to the Senate, the possibility to vote by proxy and correspondence voting, a trial to extend the voting period over two days, and the introduction of limitations concerning the resources used during an election campaign. The adoption of these solutions emerged to meet the expectations of the doctrine, and fulfilled postulates of representatives of the electoral apparatus, in an essential way altering the electoral law, but simultaneously it aroused significant controversies. The Constitutional Tribunal was faced with a difficult task to evaluate them from the point of view of compatibility with the Constitution. Its adjudication was in advance doomed to criticism, because the Tribunal could only assume the point of view of a part of the doctrine’s representatives. The analysis carried out in this article enables the constitutional regulations concerning elections to be viewed in a new way.Pozycja Ograniczenia swobody prowadzenia kampanii wyborczej w świetle regulacji "Kodeksu wyborczego"(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2015) Balicki, Ryszard; Piech, KarolinaThis article concerns limitations, which the legislator levied on entities conducting an election campaign. The authors presented the most important aspects of the legal regulations pertaining to an electoral campaign and electioneering, next they characterized the institution of “election silence”, limitations placed upon the place and time of conducting an electoral campaign and personal limitations, concluded in Polish Electoral Code. The article concludes with proposals of changes, which it would be possible to introduce into Polish election law.Pozycja Obwodowe komisje wyborcze jako najniższy szczebel w strukturze polskich organów wyborczych(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2015) Szarek, KatarzynaCurrently, election administration is often discussed in the mass media and is of great interest to the public. This is probably due to the recent local elections carried out on 16 November 2014, during which there was a problem among others with the election information technology system and delays in the announcement of the results of the vote. The objective is to assess certain issues of the regional electoral commissions, their mode of appointment, composition, organisation of work, position in the composition and tasks of these committees, which are involved in conducting all forms of elections. The article analyzes the solutions adopted in the Polish electoral law for regional electoral commissions, as well as containing conclusions and recommendations. This is important in view of the ongoing legislative work on the amendment to the Electoral Code of 2011.Pozycja Problematyka lokali wyborczych dostosowanych do potrzeb wyborców niepełnosprawnych w wyborach samorządowych 2014 roku w świetle działań Rzecznika Praw Obywatelskich(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2015) Zbieranek, JarosławDespite the introduction of alternative voting procedures in the Polish electoral system, a significant part of disabled or elderly voters declare that they are willing to vote in a traditional way — at the polling station. The survey carried out in March 2014 shows that over 80% of respondents indicated voting at polling stations as the preferred way of voting in an election. A very important issue is the appropriate adaptation of polling stations to the needs of voters with limited mobility. The Electoral Code significantly increases the number of polling stations adapted to the needs of people with disabilities. The head of the commune shall adapt at least 1∕5 of stations by 31 December 2014. However, as indicated by the results of the inspections carried out by the Ombudsman (Human Rights Defender) in November 2014, the vast majority of polling stations designated by the commune as adapted to the needs of people with disabilities were in fact not accessible for this group of voters. At 179 polling stations inspected by employees of the Office of the Ombudsman shortcomings were noted in 151, which accounted for 84% of all buildings visited. It is therefore necessary to take extensive measures for the real fulfilment of the requirements specified by law. A significant proportion of the voters surveyed expressed the view that of all the possible facilities, free transport of voters to the polling station would be the most useful in the next election.Pozycja Czy alternatywne metody głosowania i inne ułatwienia wyborcze mogą roz-wiązać problem przymusowej absencji wyborczej? Refleksje i spostrzeżenia osoby niepełnosprawnej w świetle wyborów samorządowych 2014(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2015) Jankowska, MagdalenaThe fundamental claim which accompanied the implementation of alternative voting methods into the Polish Law was the guarantee of the fullest realization of the universal suffrage. The current regulations of the Electoral Code allow people with disabilities to vote by mail or by proxy. This deviation from the rule of voting personally in a polling station and enfranchising people with disabilities is a clear sign of the adaptation of Polish reality to Western European standards. The enactment of the law and implementation of additional legal solutions are only the first step to a greater change. The current challenges of electoral law are both perfecting the new voting methods and educating voters to compel them to vote; that is to exercise their constitutional privilege.Pozycja Praktyczne konsekwencje zmian samorządowego systemu wyborczego w "Kodeksie wyborczym" – uwagi i refleksje na tle wyborów 2014 roku(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2015) Sieklucki, DominikThe article contains the first notes and reflections upon the consequences of changes in the Polish electoral system implemented in the Electoral Code formulated following the 2014 local–government election. The author focuses on three types of changes. The first one covers only the reforms of the local–government electoral system (e.g. changes in electoral formula or electoral districts). The second includes reforms of electoral procedures applicable to all Polish elections (voting act and candidate registration). The last one touches upon the general purpose of electoral law codification, primarily the stabilization of the electoral system.Pozycja Zmiana systemu wyborczego do rad gmin a łączność z wyborcami(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2015) Surówka, AnnaThe electoral system plays an important role in the process of the determining of the election results. It enables the distribution of the seats among the competing electoral committees, and it affects the balance of the political forces in the representative bodies. But the meaning of the electoral system is not limited to the electoral process. The electoral system affects also the communication of the elected people with the voters. The electoral code introduced important changes in the manner of the conduct of elections to the municipal councils. The purpose of this presentation is an attempt to analyse how much these changes may affect the reinforcement of the ties between the councillor and the voters and they may contribute to better representation of the interests of the electorate in the work of the municipal council.Pozycja Zmiany systemu wyborczego a wyniki wyborów do organu stanowiącego gmin na przykładzie województwa pomorskiego(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2015) Uziębło, PiotrThis Article should answer questions related to the practical application of the Electoral Code solutions related to the electoral system to the constitutive organs of the communes. The basic idea is whether the majority system significantly changed the composition of these organs in those communes of over 20,000 inhabitants, as well as the effects of the modifications brought about in shaping constituencies in cities with county rights. The research was carried out on the example of the twenty communes of the Pomeranian Voivodship. The results can hardly be considered optimistic. The use of single-seat constituencies made worse the representativeness of organs which, to a large extent, lead to over-representation of the strongest political or local groups in the various communes. The system also did not lead to an increase in the number of independent councillors. The situation in the councils of cities with county rights remained almost the same. Introducing the possibility of creating larger constituencies was not reflected in practice. All cities have maintained the current size of the constituencies, which in combination with the d'Hondt method, eliminated the representatives of smaller electoral committees from the composition of councils or marginalized the position of those representatives.Pozycja Kobiety pilnie poszukiwane – system kwotowy w praktyce na przykładzie wyborów samorządowych w Częstochowie(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2015) Posyłek, MałgorzataThe introduction of the quota system, which guarantees men and women with at least 35 percent of places on the electoral rolls, posed a serious challenge for numerous election committees. It forced them to seek out competent women who would like to become involved in politics. It was not an easy task, because the majority of committees placed the women in positions close to the bottom of the lists, which ensured that election success was rather unachievable. This situation caused some women to resign from running for election to the local-government, therefore forcing the election committees to replace them, at a push, with other women, despite a number of male candidates applying to take their place. When it comes to elections results, they proved that the quota system is ineffective, because it favours men, who obtained the highest places on the rolls, and without the implementation of zipping, the number of women in politics will not be increased. This paper aims at presenting the practical aspect of applying the quota system in local elections in Częstochowa.Pozycja Wpływ rozwiązań przyjętych w "Kodeksie wyborczym" na zjawisko koabitacji w gminach(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2015) Sidor, Monika; Kuć-Czajkowska, Katarzyna; Wasil, JustynaThe article presents the Electoral Code regulations which determine the relationship between the executive (mayor) and the municipal council (town council). Besides, regulations from other legal acts are indicated which have an impact on the phenomenon of cohabitation. In addition, the situation is explained where cohabitation appears in the municipality and is presented in the research on cohabitation in selected regions in Poland.Pozycja Sprawozdanie z konferencji naukowej „Media w kampaniach wyborczych”, 27–28 kwietnia 2015 roku, Rzeszów(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2015) Kuca, PawełPozycja Sprawozdanie z konferencji naukowej „Zjawisko ludobójstwa w XX i XXI wieku” w ramach cyklu „Prawa człowieka wyzwaniem dla przyszłości”, 6 maja 2015 roku, Rzeszów(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2015) Żarna, Krzysztof