Patient’s satisfaction with anesthesia based on the polish version of the of Iowa Satisfaction with Anesthesia Scale. Satisfaction with anesthesia in patients with craniofacial trauma

Obrazek miniatury
Ozga, Dorota
Dyk, Danuta
Gutysz-Wojnicka, Aleksandra
Wojtaszek, Marek
Mędrzycka-Dąbrowska, Wioletta
Tytuł czasopisma
Tytuł tomu
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego
Purpose. The article presents an assessment concerning patient satisfaction with anesthesia as based on the Polish version of the Iowa Satisfaction with Anesthesia Scale. Material and Methods. The study group consisted of 198 patients with maxillofacial injury admitted to the Clinical Ward of Maxillofacial Surgery. The quality of the anesthesiological care was evaluated with the Polish version of Iowa Satisfaction with Anesthesia Scale. Results. It was stated that the level of satisfaction with the anesthesia in patients operated on due to maxillofacial injury used was average. According to the Polish version of the Iowa Satisfaction with Anesthesia Scale, the average score in the studied population was 0.8 on a scale from -3 to +3, SD 2.41. There were differences observed depending on patient age (18-30 years old (p = 0.0001)) and clinical condition. Conclusion. The level of satisfaction with anesthesia in patients with craniofacial trauma is moderately positive, however, in patients with an injury of the upper face and in patients with ASA scale I and II, the same level of satisfaction is higher. Among the analyzed socio-demographical factors only the age determines the level of satisfaction with anesthesia. The level of satisfaction is higher in older patients.
Słowa kluczowe
satisfaction with anesthesia , patient after maxillofacial trauma , Polish version of the Iowa Satisfaction with Anesthesia Scale
European Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine T. 15, z. 3 (2017), s. 233–239