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Pozycja Biedermeierowskie świadectwo zarazy – „Granit” Adalberta Stiftera(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2021) Mazur, AnetaThe following article is an introduction to the Adalbert Stifter’s short story entitled “Granite” in Polish translation. The article explains the political and cultural origin of the work, its poetical form, its ethical and philosophical meaning. The “Granite”, included in the short story collection (Colorful Stones, 1853) is considered to be an important declaration of Biedermeier movement in Austria, its aesthetic as well as its ethic tradition, manifest of which was so-called „Gentle Law” (das sanfte Gesetz), i.e. an ordered existence harmony and an unspectacular, daily practising the humanism in the personal, country and social life. In Stifter’s piece it concerns also an extraordinary case of the epidemic, which did plagued the Bohemian countryside in the 18th century. The story plot being based on local oral tradition, presents how adult’s and children’s characters react the hazards and challenges they must confront during the illness. Playing with several allusions (such as biblical, philosophical, scientific, legendary ones) the “Granite” concludes with two distinctive thesis: the only way to survive the plague is acting with human dignity and altruistically; the survive means an irrational and paradoxical experience. The „epidemic” motive – due to historical fact, at the same time the figure of a catastrophe, of a test, of an initiation into dark rules of history and nature as well – is sophisticatedly articulated, using different text construction, plot and narrative levels or implied meanings of the work (the titel motive of „granite”, a motive of volcanic catastrophe, plays a role in all of them). There is a kind of misterious interpretative ambiguity in Adalbert Stifter’s work till now – “Granite” is to understand as a Biedermeier idyll; as an evidence of author’s world view; as a documented case of the epidemic in Boccaccio style; as a parable about humanity at the crucial moment of the life; and, finally, as a short story masterpiece.Pozycja Chorobotwórcza moc komet. O poszukiwaniu przyczyn morów w piśmiennictwie staropolskim(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2021) Piskała, MagdalenaRapidly spreading and ravaging diseases were not a rarity in Old Poland. The medical knowledge of the era could not properly explain the nature of infectious diseases and the mechanism of their spreading, so there were many different attempts at explaining their causes. Some suspected their enemies and infidels of poisoning air and water; others attributed pestilence to God’s wrath or to unfavourable configurations of heavenly bodies that were said to bring misfortune. The most devastating effects were attributed to comets; a comet’s appearance was seen either as a sign or as a cause of impending disasters, which, apart from pestilent air, included earthquakes, deaths of kings, wars, and tumults. Astrological explanation of the plagues proved to be very persistent and became a stock motif in the literature devoted to the subject, which, however, does not mean that it was accepted without criticism.Pozycja Dlaczego należy się bać? O uczuciach towarzyszących epidemii i zaleceniach w czasie jej trwania według „Przestrogi i lekarstwa na choroby z zarazy morowego powietrza pochodzące” Franciszka Ksawerego Ryszkowskiego(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2021) Kocela, WeronikaThe article analyzes the text of one of the many medical handbooks published in Poland in the second half of the 18th century. It concerns emotions and feelings accompanying a person during an epidemic, as well as problems and difficulties that he had to overcome. It also introduces the commonly functioning opinions of doctors about the plague and ways to fight it. The text should also be considered as an attempt to explain the reactions, behaviors and adopting specific attitudes – both of the sick and those managing the specific organization of social life during an epidemic.Pozycja Działania podejmowane przez administracje rządową w okresie pandemii COVID-19(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2022-09) Ura, ElżbietaWprowadzenie stanu zagrożenia epidemicznego, a następnie stanu epidemii w marcu 2020 r. było dla wszystkich nowym wyzwaniem. Organy administracji publicznej zostały zobowiązane do podejmowania działań związanych z zapewnieniem bezpieczeństwa publicznego w państwie, które zostało zagrożone rozprzestrzenianiem się wirusa SARS-CoV-2. Rada Ministrów nie zdecydowała się na wprowadzenie stanu nadzwyczajnego – stanu klęski żywiołowej – mimo zaistnienia w różnych okresach sytuacji uzasadniających taki stan. Wprowadzane były natomiast ograniczenia w prawach i wolnościach obywateli, zakazy i nakazy określonego zachowania się i czyniono to w drodze rozporządzeń, bez podstawy prawnej. O naruszeniach w tym zakresie świadczy wiele orzeczeń sądów administracyjnych i sądów powszechnych. Co istotne, wiele państw wprowadzało w różnych okresach stany nadzwyczajne. Rada Ministrów przyjęła natomiast koncepcję tzw. hybrydowego stanu nadzwyczajnego, nieznanego w przepisach prawa. Powyższe zagadnienia stały się przedmiotem rozważań w artykule.Pozycja Literacka rama wydawnicza w edycji dzieła Malchera Piotrkowity pt. „Przeciw morowemu powietrzu przestroga”(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2021) Sitkowa, AnnaIn the article, the research is devoted to the study of titling press, stemmat, an inscription letter and a preface to the reader, constituting the literary framework of the only work known today by Malcher Piotrkowita, Jan Kostka’s court physician, voivode of Sandomierz. A warning against miasmas, issued after January 5, 1579, has survived till today in a unique form, belonging to the collection of the National Museum in Krakow / The Princes Czartoryski Museum. Piotrkowita’s book has not yet become an object of detailed studies, although, according to the author, it was the first comprehensive guide for the time of the plague, written by a Pole in his national language.Pozycja Literackie obrazy epidemii o proweniencji szkolnej z XVII i XVIII wieku (wybrane zagadnienia)(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2021) Mieszek, MałgorzataThe subject of the article are literary images of the epidemic contained in works originating from the academic environment. Among the analysed texts are occasional works devoted to students who died due to the plague (a sermon by a Dominican, Michał Wojniłowicz; a poem in poem by a professor of the Krakow Academy – Paweł Zapartowic). They fit into the panegyric convention, but at the same time revealed the medical awareness of the time (symptoms of infection, hygienic and medical procedures conducted on the patient) and the personal involvement of the teachers. The second group of analysed texts consists of plays staged on the Piarist and Jesuit colleges’ stages. They are related to the cult of „the plague saints”. They also deal with the theme of plague as a form of punishment for sins that affects some antagonists. In some plays, personifications of natural disasters and epidemics are used. The article revealed that there were relatively few literary images of the plague related to the academic environment. The causes of epidemics and the methods of their prevention were much more often mentioned in handbooks and calendars, available to the general public. The community of students and teachers was rather active in the religious field, acting in associations and congregations, as well as participating in propitiatory services and processions.Pozycja O perswazji w staropolskich poradnikach przeciwdżumowych(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2021) Walińska, MarzenaThe aim of the article is to analyse the anti-plague handbooks from the 16th and 17th centuries as persuasive texts. The exemplification material consists of works diversified in terms of structure, style and volume, written by Piotr Umiastowski, Sebastian Petrycy from Pilzno, Marcin from Klecko and Paweł Lubiecki. The analysis of the texts and elements of the literary and editorial framework shows how the authors defined the audience and adapted the text to it on the level of inventio (argumentation based on ethos, arguments from authority and from example) and dispositio. The methods and means recommended in the anti-pest manuals could not – from the perspective of today’s medical knowledge – be effective in combating the epidemic. Still, the texts undoubtedly allowed to tackle the phenomenon and to give spiritual support to the sick and threatened.Pozycja Police efforts during the coronavirus epidemic(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2020) Ura, ElżbietaThe aim of this article is to draw attention to the Police efforts during the state of epidemic announced on 25 March 2020 connected to the COVID-19 virus. These efforts are being made on the basis of particular laws in force during this state, but also on the basis of the rules in the penal code. The execution of specific tasks involves effectiveness, which ensures proper cooperation of many bodies, including the cooperation of the epidemiological services with the Police and units of medical rescue. It is important, however, to obey the rule of proportionality in applying certain measures of power in the institutions involved in the execution of prohibitions and obligations of specific behaviour during the state of epidemic. The measures of power cannot also lead to disruptions of the principle of law-abidingness.