Polityka i Społeczeństwo nr 2(11)/2013
URI dla tej Kolekcjihttp://repozytorium.ur.edu.pl/handle/item/913
Przeglądanie Polityka i Społeczeństwo nr 2(11)/2013 według Temat "anarcho-capitalism"
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Pozycja Krytyka działań państwa w sferze społeczno-gospodarczej w poglądach Murraya Rothbarda(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2013) Płaszczyca, MałgorzataIn this paper the author has analyzed Rothbard's views in terms of social and economic issues in anarcho-capitalism. Market failures in the libertarian view were considered as state failures (e.g. external effects, monopoly). The author has also considered opinions of critics of libertarian thought. On the ground of textual criticism this paper has demonstrated the controversy of Rothbard's thesis and their inspirational power.