Tematy i Konteksty 13(18) 2023


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  • Pozycja
    W poszukiwaniu spójności – o "Prozie Stanisława Czycza w perspektywie poetyki lingwistycznej" Justyny Urban
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2023-12) Julia Kuffel
    Recenzja dotyczy analizy twórczości prozatorskiej Stanisława Czycza przeprowadzonej przez Justynę Urban. Autorka książki pokazuje tę twórczość w nowej perspektywie poetyki lingwistycznej, dzięki czemu dociera do sensów wcześniej nieodkrytych. Przekładając prozę Czycza na tekst spójny, porządkuje ją i ułatwia lekturę pozornie niespójnych dzieł pisarza. Publikacja będąca przedmiotem recenzji jest cenna także ze względu na podjętą w niej analizę struktury narracyjnej oraz stworzony przez autorkę katalog motywów.
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    Powieść kryminalna Karin Slaughter "Zaślepienie" jako thriller medyczny z amerykańskiego Południa
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2023-12) Martynuska, Małgorzata
    The forensic thriller has emerged as a significant subgenre of crime fiction that depicts the work of medical examiners, coroners, forensic pathologists, and anthropologists who analyze scientific evidence. Forensic investigators do not engage directly in pursuing the criminal; instead, they interpret the physical evidence collected from the victim's body and the crime scene. The popularity of forensic fiction, film, and TV series has created the general assumption that criminalistics has become a routine police procedure. This article presents Karin Slaughter's novel Blindsighted as an example of the Southern forensic thriller. The American writer Karin Slaughter is the author of crime stories and thrillers set in the American South. Her Grant County series consists of six crime novels, beginning with Blindsighted and followed by Kisscut, A Faint Cold Fear, Indelible, Faithless, and Beyond Reach. The essay introduces the main qualities of a forensic thriller and highlights the novel's generic characteristics. Then, Blindsighted is analyzed within the paradigm of Southern regional literature, with its distinctive qualities and religious imagery.
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    Shangri-La jako utopia, święte miejsce oraz więzienie w powieści "Zaginiony horyzont" Jamesa Hiltona
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2023-12) Warchał-Leśniakowska, Małgorzata
    The purpose of this paper is to explore James Hilton’s Lost Horizon in the context of its utopian character and historical and mythical parallels that make up its setting, Shangri-La, as a refuge, but also a paradoxical prison. This study delves into the historical and cultural context of the Western imagination's portrayal of Tibet as a sacred and mystical place and places it within the context of British imperialism, emphasising the misconceptions and romanticised notions associated with the country. The paper also explores the sources and inspirations behind Hilton's setting and characters, highlighting the connection between Hilton's Shangri-La and the mythical Tibetan kingdom of Shambhala.
  • Pozycja
    Between Nature and Civilization(s): American Wilderness as a Eurocentric Cultural Construct in Tony Morrison’s "A Mercy"
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2023-12) Vysotska, Natalia
    The paper sets out to explore the ways the traditional Western opposition “nature vs. civilization” is reworked in Toni Morrison’s A Mercy. The first aspect addressed in the paper is the author’s recasting of the original Puritan myth of America as New Eden by demonstrating the historical impossibility of human-nature and human-human harmony on the “new” continent. This is achieved through presenting Jacob Vaark’s New England farm as a metaphor of Eden/enclosed garden transmogrifying from Utopian to Dystopian mode of functioning in the text, with apparent ecofeminist overtones.The second issue dealt with is “wilderness” as one of the basic concepts underlying American Puritan world picture. The paper argues that in the novel “wilderness” as an inherent characteristic of England’s transatlantic territorial expanses, including both their physical and human resources, loses its essentialism and is unmasked as a Eurocentric cultural construct. In addition, the novel extends the notion of “civilization” beyond its Eurocentric boundaries featuring two non-European civilizations – Native American and African – as suggesting alternative (and much more positive) models of “nature-civilization” relationship.
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    "Pembroke": scenariusz dekadencji
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2023-12) Wilczynski, Marek
    The article is an interpretation of Mary E. Wilkins Freeman’s novel Pembroke (1994). Even though it is set in the third decade of the 19th century, the year of publication suggests that it just as well refers to the condition of New England after the Civil War. Hit by a complex crisis, concerning demography, economy, and mores, after 1865 the region entered a stage of decadence. Wilkins Freeman diagnosed its symptoms, such as the collapse of interpersonal communication and the hypertrophy of individual will, showing that the portents of the decline of Puritan heritage had its roots in the first half of the century. With time, the symbolic system of New England culture collapsed and gave way to a new social order.