Słowo. Studia językoznawcze nr 11/2020
URI dla tej Kolekcjihttp://repozytorium.ur.edu.pl/handle/item/6745
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Pozycja Waldemar Czachur, Agnieszka Kulczyńska, Łukasz Kumięga (red.) 2016, „Jak analizować dyskurs? Perspektywy dydaktyczne”, Wydawnictwo Universitas, Kraków, 240 ss.(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2020) Miller, DorotaPozycja Recenzja publikacji zbiorowej pt. „Niepodległa wobec języka polskiego” pod redakcją Renaty Przybylskiej, Barbary Batko-Tokarz, Sylwii Przęczek-Kisielak, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, Kraków 2020, 376 ss.(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2020) Synowiec, HelenaPozycja Świadomość onimiczna w piśmiennictwie pamiętnikarskim na przykładzie „Mojego pamiętnika z wojny światowej” Sebastiana Poszywaka(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2020) Żołądź, ArturSebastian Poszywak, author of “Mój pamiętnik z wojny światowej”, was a soldier who fought in an Austro-Hungarian regiment. Together with his troops he fought on the Italian front during World War I. The diary he kept is full of local names, both Polish and Slovenian, as well as German and Italian. The article presents the onymic awareness of the author of the diary, examines various forms of toponyms that sounded foreign to the soldier from the Podkarpacie region, emphasizing the structures of Slovenian (e.g. Brestovica pri Komnu – Brestowice, Brestawice, Brestowica) and Italian (e.g. Medeazza – Medyjaca, Madyaco) local names. The text also takes account of the history of onomastic research on proper names contained in the diaries. The article is a contribution to further onomastic analyses of other onymic categories of peasant diaristic texts.Pozycja Hiperbola i litota i ich funkcje w nagłówkach dziennika regionalnego „Gazeta Pomorska”(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2020) Szlachcikowska, ŻanetaThe paper focues on the analysis of article headlines published in the local newspaper “Gazeta Pomorska”, in particular with regard to figures of speech like hyperbole and its opposite. Conventionalised metaphors (related to war, fight, nightmare, disaster, fear, illness) allow for creation of hyperbolic headlines. Military metaphors constitute the most numerous group where reality is presented as a battlefield (for example description of a purchase, African swine fever, election campaign, protest, road accidents, sport). Whereas, litotes is not only depicted by figures of speech such as personification, comparison, but also irony, colloquialisms and intersexuality. Although the material was extracted from a regional journal the analysis indicated that there are 43 percent more examples of general Polish headlines in the pages of “Gazeta Pomorska” with the use of hyperbole and litotes than those of regional origin. The analysis suggests that headlines of regional articles are frequently purely informative in nature without rhetorical aspects.Pozycja Konceptualizowanie uczuć jako specyfika opisu przeżyć w tekstach uczniowskich(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2020) Szczerbińska, BarbaraThe aim of the article is to analyze the development of the description of experiences and the conceptualisation of feelings in the school essays. The author analyzes the proper part of the description of experiences prepared by primary school students; the interpretation consists of both treating the text as a product – the effect of using technology in the process of linguistic activity – as well as introducing the students’ textual abilities and skills. The analyzed texts include the authors’ own interpretations of their experiences, starting from the presentation of stimuli that triggered the given feelings, through describing the accompanying and emotional reactions, and ending with the description of the results derived from the experienced emotions. The essence of the description of experiences is the conceptualization of feelings, for the development of which students use three different schemas: simple time sequences, the contrast technique and the “kaleidoscope technique”.Pozycja Imiennictwo łemkowskie w XIX wieku(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2020) Słabczyński, RobertThe name resource of Lemkos living in the first half of the nineteenth century is mostly made up of anthroponyms derived from the Christian tradition, i.e. biblical names, as well as names of the holy martyrs and the blessed of different periods of Christianity, belonging more often to Eastern Churches, a little less often to the Catholic Church. Most of the Lemko anthroponyms derive from the Orthodox-Russian tradition, which in turn has its roots in the Greek tradition. Names of Greek etymology account for 50.5% of the excerpted material. The most common ones include the following: Anastasia, Gregor, Basilius, Andreas, Stephanus, Theodorus, Ksenia, Parasceve, Pelagia, Demetrius, Petrus, Helena. Latin names are much less common (19%), e.g. Paulus, Romanus, Antonius, Ignatius, Julia, Julianus, as well as Hebrew names (12,4%), e,g. Maria, Anna, Ewa, Joannes, Symeon. Germanic names (Wilhelmus, Adalbertus, Conradus, Leopoldus) and Slavic names (Stanislaus) were among the rarest. The analyzed anthroponomastics is characterized by high repeatability of names. The proper names in the top ten make up 57.3% of all units. The most frequently repeated names are Maria, Joannes, Anna, Anastasia, Gregorius, Andreas, Theodorus, Stephanus, Simeon. Names which have appeared once represent only 2.3% of the analyzed anthroponomastics.Pozycja Brazylijskie nazwy miejscowe i ich adaptacje w języku Polonii brazylijskiej (na podstawie opublikowanych w 1930 roku numerów „Gazety Polskiej w Brazylii” i „Ludu”)(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2020) Raiman, MarcinThe aim of this paper is to present the names of brazilian localities and different types of adaptation used by the members of the Polish community in Brazil in two Polish-language newspapers published in Curitiba: „Gazeta Polska w Brazylii” and „Lud”. The study focuses on the names found in the issues published in 1930 and shows that 87% of the gathered material is used in its original form. The remaining material consists of adapted names that are divided according to various adaptation techniques, among them translation. The author describes the frequency of the analyzed adaptations and provides comments on their use in different types of texts and by different authors.Pozycja Etymologie ludowe w toponimach na pograniczu polsko-ruskim(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2020) Kij, MonikaToponyms are interesting linguistic material. They contain knowledge about the environment of our existence - its formation, wealth, history, and even about spatial or social relations. The purpose of this article was to obtain and analyse naming material (names and their folk etymologies) from seventeen villages located within three rural communes on both sides of the San River. The analysis was based on comparison of folk and scientific etymologies. This allowed to answer the questions of how current residents of the former ethnic borderland understand foreign names in their localities, what kind of conceptualisation of the world emerges from folk etymologies, and whether the river San as a natural obstacle significantly influenced the linguistic concepts of its right and left-bank residents. The analysis of toponyms indicates that in rural communities of the studied area, proper names were often motivated by historical, settlement and topographic specifics. Therefore, simple motivation dominates here: creators most often referred to physical properties such as shape and appearance. From other aspects, location, function and local residents were often considered. The relatively high percentage of names with foreign phonetic influences, largely incomprehensible to their contemporary users, stems from the turbulent history of this area and the overlapping Ruthenic, Slovak and other influences. No statistically important differences in conceptualisation of the world between the residents of the east and west sides of the river were detected.Pozycja Jak studenci nazywają Ukraińca i Polaka (na materiale danych ankietowych z ośmiu polskich uniwersytetów)(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2020) Fyłypec, OlgaThe article is devotedtothewaysinwhich Polish studentscalla Poleanda Ukrainian. The researchers (2390 surveys) wereconductedamong 1195 students from 8 Polish universities: Rzeszów University, University of Silesia, University of Wrocław, Jagiellonian University, Universityof Lodz, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń and Maria Curie- Skłodowska University in Lublin. Theresearchmaterialcovers a totalof 2946 units. Asequivalentsofthewords Pole/Ukrainian, studentsgivenamesofgeographicalcategorization–mieszkaniec Polski/ mieszkaniec Ukrainy and of politicalcategorization – obywatel Polski/obywatel Ukrainy and others. Toname a Pole, theyproposethewordsrodak, krajan, naszrealizingthe„native-foreign”opposition. There are oftenequivalentsofresearchedethnonymsintheformofdiminutives, metaphorsandanthroponyms, e.g. Polaczek, patriota, cebulak, cebula, Janusz, Grażyna, Lach. Calling a Ukrainian, such student terms dominate: sąsiad, obcokrajowiec, cudzoziemiec, rusek, ruski, Ukrainiec and others. The definition of a Ukrainian as a neighbor appears more often in the group of students from Rzeszów and Lublin and rarelyfrom Poznań, Katowice, Wrocław, Toruń, Kraków and Łódź. The spaсу location of Toruń, Łódź, Poznań and Wrocław in the West of Poland determines the perception of a Ukrainian by the students from these cities in the category East – West: ci ze wschodu, osoba ze wschodniej granicy, osoba ze Wschodu and others. Thus, the place of residenceof stereotype carriers determines the character of these latter.Pozycja „Tu wszystko ma insze imię”, czyli o zmianach semantycznych w polszczyźnie potomków polskich imigrantów w Brazylii(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2020) Goczyła Ferreira, AlicjaThe object of this research are lexical semantic changes in Polish language spoken by descendants of Polish immigrants who live in a rural community in southern Brazil. The aim is to analyze the semantic changes which emerged as a result of language contact with Brazilian Portuguese and to state if there is a semantical motivation between the primary meaning (brought by the immigrants) and the new meaning of the lexemes. The data used for the research was extracted from interviews conducted with nineteen Polish descendants. In the data there were found 64 lexemes which underwent a contact-induced semantic change. In 83% of cases there is a semantic link between the primary and the new meaning, which proves that the contact-induced semantic change can be subject to similar mechanisms that result in semantic change within one language only. The mechanisms observed most frequently in the data are generalization and metaphorization.Pozycja Zwischenruf – przegląd stanowisk badawczych(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2020) Czartoryski, Adam S.The purpose of this article is to present the most important theories and works related to zwischenruf (heckling) over the years, which are actually the current state of research. The vast majority of them are based on research in the German language area, which have made the biggest steps in this respect, paving the way for research in other languages and which form the basis for any subsequent research on zwischenruf (heckling), both in a general and detailed sense, i.e. in the context of studies on parliamentary interruptions. The article is based mainly on German examples, which I justify with the desire to expand and enrich the state of knowledge of Polish-language researchers, including linguists. At the same time, however, where necessary and justified, I also refer to Polish and other foreign theories and works.Pozycja Określenia chorób w dziewiętnastowiecznym poradniku medycznym Józefa Zmijewskiego(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2020) Paluszak-Bronka, AnnaThis article characterizes disease entities noted in medical handbook “Method of curing with the means not used before” […], written by Józef Zmijewski in 1888 in terms of semantics, genetic relationships and structural linguistics. These disease entities have been derived from the source text because of their general character meaning they can be used to define many diseases. The terms characterize diseases based on their place and method of origin, the course of the disease, impairment of psychological functions, tissues and internal organs. They also indicate patient characteristics like age and sex. Many of these terms are noted in Polish dictionary of medical terminology from 1881 (46.9%) and in Polish medical dictionary from 1905 (40.6%) but they gain medical meaning only when used with words such as: choroba [-y], cierpienie [-a], dolegliwość [-i] or with specific names of disease entities, e.g.: skórne choroby, cierpienia nerwowe, dolegliwości moczowe, febra zastarzała, tryper zastarzały, febra starcza. Most names are native units (84.4%). These are words inherited form pre-Slavic languages or created based on polish language, e.g.: dziedziczny, gorączkowy, piorunujący, sercowy, dziecięcy, kobiecy. Only 15.6% pf the terms are based on other linguistic roots, e.g. gastryczny, chroniczny, epidemiczny. Majority of these terms are one-word structures (93.75%) expressed by adjectives and adjectival participles (90.6%), ending with -ny, -owy, -ty. As an exception there is a noun in genitive: (choroby) skóry. Only 6.25% are pronominal expressions: (choroby) z ojca; z rodziców.Pozycja Leksemy oznaczające imię Boga w polskich pieśniach religijnych(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2020) Ożóg, KazimierzThe subject of the analysis performed by the author were the names of God in the songs recorded in the “Church Songbook”, by Rev. Jan Siedlecki. It is a relatively large collection of nominations the centre of which contains a collection of the names related to God the Father, successively to the Son of God Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. There are also frequent references to “Lord, Creator, Lamb of God”. The use of a given name depends on Christian dogmas and the prayer purposes of the speech acts.Pozycja Językowe fascynacje Floriana Śmiei(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2020) Miodek, JanThe aim of the article is to disscus the linguistic fascinations of Florian Śmieja, writer, poet, publicist, profesor at English and Canadian universities who spent his childhood and youth in Silesia. The author of the article analyzes the words related to the Silesia region, selected form of the poems which are lexical markers of Florian Śmieja’s Silesian origin. He discusses their structure, etymology, lexical meaning and function in the analized texts. Presented observations lead to the conclusion that the linguistic fascinations of mother tongue are constantly present in his narrative and life. One can read from them the immense longing for the Silesian land and the Silesian as a regional dialect.Pozycja Słowo od Redakcji(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2020) Ożóg, Kazimierz