Materiały i Sprawozdania Rzeszowskiego Ośrodka Archeologicznego T. 43(2022)


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  • Pozycja
    Nowe znalezisko nagolennika brązowego z terenu Lubelszczyzny
    (Muzeum Okręgowe w Rzeszowie, 2022-12) Kłosińska, Elżbieta Małgorzata
    A brown shin guard was recently discovered in a bend of the Tyśmienica River. The ornament was probably made in the Mazowsze-Podlasie center of bronze production. It can be dated to the younger section of the Early Iron Age – HaD.
  • Pozycja
    Енеолітичне поховання біля с. Колоколин у Верхньому Подністров’ї
    (Muzeum Okręgowe w Rzeszowie, 2022-12) Позіховський, Oлександр
    In 1935, T. Sulimirski, in a grotto near the village of Kołokolin, examined two destroyed burials, which he referred to the third period of the Neolithic period in accordance with the contemporary periodization, and proposed separating a local group of the Lublin-Volyn culture. Currently, these burials are associated with the Lublin-Volyn culture. However, the analysis of the artefacts discovered indicates that they represent two different taxonomic units. One of them, containing an amphora, should be associated with the Lublin-Volyn culture, the others with the local group (phase) of the Pleszów-Modlnica Lengyel culture. This is confirmed by analogies both from settlements and burials of the aforementioned group (phase) from the Kraków region.
  • Pozycja
    Dokument Patriarchy akwilejskiego Poppona z roku 1031, jego kontekst historyczny oraz problem osadnictwa słowiańskiego w północno-wschodniej Italii w średniowieczu
    (Muzeum Okręgowe w Rzeszowie, 2022-12) Piotrowski, Marcin
    The article concerns the document of the Patriarch of Aquileia Poppo from 1031, which mentions, among other things, a place called villa Sclavorum (Villa of the Slavs). The Latin content of the document was quoted with a translation into Polish. In addition to the characteristics and translation of the document, it is presented in a historical context and against the background of the Slavic settlement in north-eastern Italy in the Middle Ages.
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    Wojna na słowa z polityką i historią w tle – językowe aspekty słynnego sporu o Słowian
    (Muzeum Okręgowe w Rzeszowie, 2022-12) Jachym, Barbara
    The article is devoted to the linguistic analysis of the polemics conducted in the press by Józef Kostrzewski and Bolko von Richthofen in the interwar period. The scientific subject – the ethnogenesis of the Slavs – turned into a sharp political polemic. The set of analysed texts is an example of a discourse – a tangle of texts, thematically related, standing with each other and with the discourse in a complex relationship. The texts refer to each other through numerous quotations, paraphrases, references in the text and footnotes. Their analysis provided information about the image of us – Poles (Slavs) vs. they – Germans (Germani), we – Polish scientists vs. they – German researchers existing then, as well as information on language strategies used to create a specific image of oneself and the opponent. Since the controversy was conducted in public, it also affected the public perception of the discussed issue, while the socio-historical reality of the time also had an impact on the course of the debate. The closer the Second World War approached, the more heated the dispute became, and the more scientists moved away from the scientific problem and entered into sharp political polemics.
  • Pozycja
    Koniec „łużyckiego świata”
    (Muzeum Okręgowe w Rzeszowie, 2022-12) Czopek, Sylwester
    The article is devoted to the disappearance of the Lusatian cultural circle, also traditionally called the Lusatian culture or, in more recent literature, the Lusatian urnfields. At the beginning, terminological issues are clarified and views on the disappearance of this cultural unit, which played an important role in Central Europe in the middle of the 2nd and 1st millennium BC, are presented. The main analytical part focuses on four regions within today’s borders of Poland – north-western, north-eastern, south-western and south-eastern. This is due to the sharply outlined foreign cultural features that are particularly sharp in these regions. This applies to the infiltration of the Jastorf culture (and earlier Nordic influences), the Baltic circle, the Hallstatt cultural complex and the Eastern European nomadic world. They are the aftermath of migration movements of varying intensity and chronology, but always within the early Iron Age (9th/8th–5th centuries BC). Signs of the structural crisis of the local Lusatian communities, which are very fragmented and do not constitute a cultural monolith, are also important for the considerations undertaken. The issue of changes in the natural environment on the border of the subboreal and subatlantic periods is also considered.