Badania ratownicze osady wczesnośredniowiecznej w Głazowie, stan. 22, pow. sandomierski

Obrazek miniatury
Florek, Marek
Tytuł czasopisma
Tytuł tomu
Muzeum Okręgowe w Rzeszowie
Instytut Archeologii UR
Fundacja Rzeszowskiego Ośrodka Archeologicznego
Oficyna Wydawnicza „Zimowit”
In 2005, rescue excavations were carried out at site 22 (discovered a year earlier) in Głazów. Their aim was to record and explore the features visible in the high balk. Two of the examined features were the remains of smoking chambers (pits), and the third pit could be of an utility function. Based on the pottery sherds found inside, these features should be dated between the beginning of the 9th and the end of the 10th century. However, in the arable layer of the ground and on the surface of the site, there were mainly fragments of ceramics determined to the 12th – 13th centuries. This dating indicates the two-phase settlement of the early medieval site 22 in Głazów: the first phase – 9th – 10th (or the beginning of the 11th century); the second phase – 12th – 13th centuries. The village Głazów, which exists today, is a direct continuation of the settlement of the second phase.
The site no. 22 in Głazów (AZP 89–72/80) was discovered in 2004. At that time, three features were noticed in the profile of a high balk. They were observed as pits dug into the loess bottom soil, two of which had bottoms lined with stones and covered with clay. In 2005, rescue research was carried out at the site in order to record and explore the above-mentioned features. Two of the uncovered features were determined as the remains of smoking chambers (pits), and the third one could play utility function. Based on the pottery sherds found in them and in their vicinity, all recorded features should be dated between the beginning of the 9th and the end of the 10th century. With reference to established trial excavations, only in the arable layer and on the surface of the site, there were mainly pottery sherds from the 12th – 13th centuries. It seems to indicate a two-phase Early Medieval settlement at site 22 in Głazów: the first phase – 9th – 10th (or early 11th) century; the second phase – 12th – 13th centuries. A direct continuation of the settlement of the second phase two is the village of Głazów, which is mentioned for the first time in written sources in 1290.
Słowa kluczowe
early medieval , settlement , smoking chambers
Materiały i Sprawozdania Rzeszowskiego Ośrodka Archeologicznego, t. 41/2020, s. 171–177