Поселення пізнього етапу трипільської культури Кунисівці і Перебиківці у Подністер’ї

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Muzeum Okręgowe w Rzeszowie
Instytut Archeologii UR
Fundacja Rzeszowskiego Ośrodka Archeologicznego
Wydawnictwo „Mitel”


Currently, it is possible to define not only the area occupied by the communities of the late Tripolye culture, but also the chronological framework in which they functioned. Radiocarbon dates allow them to be placed between 3350/3330–3000/2900 ВС. This period is characterized by the unification of many features of material culture. However, its northwest region is distinguished by the presence of Baden features and the Funnel Beaker culture.
The late stage of the Tripolye culture, which has recently attracted the interest of various researchers, is particularly worth mentioning. Currently available sources provide the basis for several important conclusions regarding this period. First of all, this culture is characterized by the similarity all over the area of its range in the sets of vessels and their style, in flint and bone items, as well as in construction. Only its northwest region is distinguished. There are: models of houses and anthropomorphic objects in the Badenian type, as well as vessels and battle axe models in the type of the Funnel Beaker culture. Secondly, two chronological horizons of the late Tripolye culture can be distinguished; early – 3350/3300 ВС and late – 3100/3000/2900 ВС. This division is related to the frequency of using cord decorations; in the early stage they were used relatively rarely, whereas later they were more common. Thirdly, at the turn of 4th–3rd thousand BC, apart from the Tripolye culture, among others, there were communities of the Globular Amphora culture in Volhynia. However, in the areas of the Dniester right-bank, groups of the Corded Ware culture might have appeared, whose contacts with the Tripolye culture are currently unknown.



Materiały i Sprawozdania Rzeszowskiego Ośrodka Archeologicznego, t. 42/2021, s. 5–14