Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego. Seria Filologiczna. Glottodydaktyka 12 (2021)


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  • Pozycja
    Łamigłówki online w nauczaniu języka rosyjskiego na studiach rusycystycznych
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2021) Woś, Magdalena
    The article presents the idea of incorporating puzzles in Russian as a foreign language acquisition at the university level. The author tries to define a notion ‘didactic puzzle’, show the advantages of using online puzzles in developing and/or testing vocabulary and grammar in various topics, encouraging students to learn effectively and to motivating them in the classroom.
  • Pozycja
    Tutoriale jako przykład materiału autentycznego stymulującego motywację w samodzielnym przyswajaniu leksyki obcojęzycznej
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2021) Targ, Ewa
    This article discusses the influence of tutorials on motivation to learn foreign lexis. The author quotes the definition of a tutorial and describes its characteristics. Moreover, the author presents research findings which aimed at verifying how frequently tutorials are used and learners' abilities to work with such foreign materials, as well as the evaluation of their motivational value.
  • Pozycja
    Методические ошибки в предтекстовых заданиях при формировании умений аудирования
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2021) Smoła, Joanna
    In this article we present list of methodological mistakes concerning the process of improving listening abilities. We observed 185 lessons of Russian language. The research allows us to establish groups of mistakes and shows the examples of didactic failures in improving listening abilities. The most common mistakes were: lack of activating techniques, lack of giving the aim of listening and not dividing listening into global and detailed.
  • Pozycja
    Технологии развития самообразовательной компетенции обучающихся в аспекте синергетического подхода к преподаванию русского языка как иностранного
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2021) Ротмистрова, Ольга
    The article actualizes the importance of the self-educational competence of students in the process of teaching Russian as a foreign language in terms of a synergistic approach. Self-education is considered as a value component of professionally oriented training, and technologies for the development of self-educational competence are considered in the context of military linguodidactics. The author considers technologies that take into account the emotional orientation of educational materials to enhance the cognitive activity of students, strengthen their motivation, develop creative potential, critical and analytical thinking, as effective teaching tools.
  • Pozycja
    Формирование поликультурной образовательной среды как средства интенсификации обучения русскому языку как иностранному
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2021) Кипнес, Людмила; Непоклонова, Елена
    The article discusses ways of forming a multicultural educational environment as an actual means of effective teaching of Russian as a foreign language. Methodological issues are considered in close interaction with the issues of the relationship between science and culture at the present stage, special attention is paid to the decisive role of methodological reflection in the competence model of a modern researcher and how to form it in the process of teaching research skills at the stages of school and university learning using the example of teaching the Russian language as to foreign. Particular attention is paid to modern educational projects aimed at creating an effective multicultural interaction between students studying Russian as a foreign language in order to intensify learning. In the framework of the multicultural interaction project between Turkmen and Russian students, implemented at the Russian State Medical University, the article discusses the methodological aspects of linguistic Olympiads and the joint project activities of Turkmen and Russian students. The article also discusses the prospects of creating a Russian-Turkmen language center on the basis of the university as a scientific community of teachers and students, suggesting a flexible system of various types and methods of integration in order to solve various professional problems.