Analysis of the associations between quality of life and range of cervical spine rotation, severity of pain as well as disability level in patients with axis fracture

Wolan-Nieroda, Andżelina
Tytuł czasopisma
Tytuł tomu
Background: The study is designed to evaluate quality of life and functional performance in patients with a fracture of the axis, and to investigate the relationship between quality of life and the range of cervical spine rotation, pain intensity, and level of disability in these patients. Material and Methods. The study involved 60 patients receiving treatment due to axis fracture. Quality of life and functional performance were assessed using SF-36 Questionnaire and Neck Disability Index (NDI). Cervical spondylosis was examined with the use of the Zebris ultrasound system while the intensity of pain with the use of theVAS Visual Analog Pain Scale. Results. The subjects’ quality of life was poorer with respect to the mental dimension (32.3%) compared to the physical dimension (22.7%). Based on the NDI survey, the rate representing the patients’ functioning in daily life amounted to 13.7% which reflects mild limitations in functional abilities. It was shown that the range of cervical spine rotation (both right and left) was not related to the degree of disability of patients measured by the NDI questionnaire.The model of regression was statistically significant for overall quality of life (F=48.24 p<0.001), as well as physical dimension (F=45.1 p<0.001).
Słowa kluczowe
cervical spine , fracture of the axis , rotation , , quality of life , pain , disability