Słowo. Studia językoznawcze nr 9/2018


Ostatnio nadesłane materiały

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  • Pozycja
    Wiejskie dziecko w języku i kulturze
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2018) Jasiczek, Marta
    The purpose of the article is representation of linguo-cultural view of child in of the Lasowiaks’ and Rzeszowiaks’ culture. The basis of the research are selected monographic works of Aleksander Saloni, Oskar Kolberg and Franciszek Kotula. In the reconstruction of the linguistic and cultural image of the child was applied the cognitive method by Jerzy Bartmiński. The analysis shows categories separated on the basis of the collected material. In each category (for example: appearance, features, attributes and actions) have been distinguished subcategories. The analysis presents which attributes creating the prototypical representation of a child in folklore. The analysis let us deduct that in a folk image: a child was the God’s gift; unlike the parents, a child is particular sensitive to an illness or the magic activities; the background of the child defines its status and future (child conceived in marriage had a better futurity); the negative features are those that dominate in the case of a child (for example: crying, sick, hungry, immature). The article indicates a part of a wide specter of my research from my master thesis which is entitled: The Lingustic Representation of family in the folklore of the Lasowiaks and Rzeszowiaks.
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    Współczesne akty nominacyjne w środowiskach wiejskich – ciągłość i zmiana
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2018) Ziajka, Beata
    The objective of the article is discussing nomination acts as a result of which unofficial anthroponyms are constituted: nicknames and by-names. Material exemplification consists of the names that function in seven villages located in the commune of Babice, in the Chrzanów district. Nicknames and by-names are still a living element of villagers’ linguistic behaviours, so they preserve the lexis that belongs to the active language resource of village inhabitants. What unofficial anthroponyms are made of is, therefore, a kind of carrier of information about name trends valid in a given environment. Contemporary nomination acts, as a result of which unofficial anthroponyms are created, reflect the evolution of naming motivations, and, on the other hand, they prove certain linguistic and cultural continuity. The analysis that was carried out shows the direction of linguistic and mental changes taking place when the traditional folk worldview meets the global culture. Villagers are trying to adjust their verbal behaviours to the new reality, but in emotional situations they like to refer to their local dialect – mainly as for expressive vocabulary which seems to be more adequate to express disapproval of actions that threaten the rural existence. Despite the new trends that become more and more visible in the villagers’ lifestyle, rural community still remains a society which is strongly attached to its traditions.
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    Budownik, krawc i łowiak, czyli jak dzieci pięcioletnie tworzą nazwy wykonawców czynności
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2018) Zając, Ewelina
    Naming is an important stage in a child’s life, proving that they learn and experience the world. With age, active vocabulary of children is growing. Pre-school children have the greatest ability to shape a language, they are creative and take an example from the environment. While modeling themselves on adults, they take over part of the vocabulary, but also create new words for naming things, phenomena, people they know, but also those who they have not remembered or have not met before. The aim of the article is to present and discuss the lexical material collected among five-year-old children (from the area of Turek, Greater Poland Voivodeship/ Wielkopolska). The presented analysis touches upon the methods of creating names of the contractors of different activities, including word formation techniques and the phenomenon of analogy.
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    „Czelendżuj kejsa”, czyli kilka uwag o języku korporacji
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2018) Zahaczewska, Izabela
    Corporations are large, most often international enterprises in which a lot of attention is paid to all kinds of procedures, work organization, efficiency in operation and anonymity. Employees of large companies are treated as fully convertible „cogs of machinery”, which is why these institutions arouse completely ambivalent feelings in society – for some they are almost a modern form of slavery, others associate them with continuous development, the opportunity to meet new people and foreign trips. In the face of corporate challenges, knowledge of English has become an indispensable skill. In the constantly progressing process of globalization, he penetrated permanently, mainly in the form of borrowings, also to the Polish version of corporate speech, providing the basis for creating a specific language, called korpolekt, korpomowa, poliszinglisz or ponglish. While English names of positions or areas of the company are recognized in the international environment and greatly facilitate communication, combining Polish and English words or polonizing foreign phrases often gives even comical results. The aim of this article is therefore an attempt to discuss selected characteristic features of this specific novelty and give examples of typical corporate words, phrases and abbreviations.