Determinants of women’s behavior in breast cancer prevention
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Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego
Introduction. According to statistics, breast cancer is the second leading cause of death in Poland. Progress in treatment and diagnosis gives an opportunity of a quick diagnosis, but women are reluctant to undergo prophylaxis screening. Aim. To identify women’s attitudes about breast cancer prophylaxis. Material and methods. The diagnostic survey was conducted in a group of 200 women. The research tool was the questionnaire developed by the authors. Results. Knowledge about breast cancer and prophylaxis was on an average level. Nearly half of the women surveyed (45.5%) declared that they do not ask for a breast examination while visiting a gynecologist. Only 26.8% of the surveyed women were systematically subjected to preventive examinations for breast cancer, while 18.7% of them performed breast self-examination. Every fifth respondent used invitation for a free mammogram. Conclusion. The women’s knowledge about breast cancer is average, but it does not translate into their attitudes towards the prevention of this cancer. Most women niether perform breast self-examination nor benefit from free prophylaxis programs. Younger respondents most often use the Internet. Education and place of residence do not affect the participation of women in preventive examinations for breast cancer.
Słowa kluczowe
European Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine T. 17, z. 2 (2019), s. 123–130