Polityka i Społeczeństwo nr 2(16)/2018
URI dla tej Kolekcjihttp://repozytorium.ur.edu.pl/handle/item/4310
Ostatnio nadesłane materiały
Pozycja Piotr Kulas: „Rozmowy o inteligencji”, Warszawa 2016, 254 ss.(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2018) Ulańska, ZofiaPozycja Serhij Płochij: "Lost kingdom: a history of Russian nationalism from Ivan the Great to Vladimir Putin", Wydawnictwo Allen Lane, Londyn 2017, 398 ss.(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2018) Pietrasik, KamilPozycja Anarchokapitalistyczna koncepcja bezpieczeństwa jednostki(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2018) Matuszek, KrzysztofThe aim of this article is to attempt to present and evaluate the conception of human security, proposed by anarcho-capitalism – a radical trend of libertarianism. The content analysis method was used to realize this task, while the main source of works constitutes the main works of the leading anarcho-capitalists: Murray Newton Rothbard, David Friedman and Hans-Hermann Hoppe. The results of the work is the adoption of several conclusions, including, first of all, that the anarcho-capitalist conception of human security is undoubtedly an innovate idea, contesting commonly recognized solutions in this matter.Pozycja Realizacja rządowego programu integracji społeczności romskiej w Polsce na przykładzie województwa lubuskiego(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2018) Krzyżanowski, Piotr JacekThe realization of the governmental program of the integration of the Roma people in the Lubuskie voivodeship is characterized by the understanding of and respect for the Gypsy identity. The assistance that Gypsies receive makes their situation better, especially in the sphere of education. What is more, in the local environment there has been fewer conflicts and troubles between the Roma people and their neighbors. The positive effects of the governmental program result from the dialogue between governmental institutions and the recipients of the program.Pozycja Polityka kadrowa wobec osób niepełnosprawnych na podstawie badań wybranych pracodawców i pracowników(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2018) Jakobsze, Adam; Ober, JózefThe aim of the article is to identify the reasons for low employment rates of people with disabilities in Poland, and to examine whether employers, disabled employees and other staff want to talk about the rational use of the rights of a disabled employee and what views, opinions or other circumstances can make it difficult. Four hypotheses were formulated in the work, which were verified on the basis of surveys and interviews conducted in the period from March to September 2017 in the Voivodship of Silesia. The considerations were rounded off with conclusions and comments.Pozycja Relacje państwo – kościół w Republice Estonii(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2018) Ciechanowska, Justyna; Szwed, KatarzynaThe aim of the publication is to present those constitutional principles in the Republic of Estonia which concern the relation between the state and church. The freedom of religion and conscience was established based on the European civilization as one of the fundamental indications of the freedom of the individual. It is guaranteed by the Constitution of the Republic of Estonia. The Constitution of the Republic of Estonia ensures the freedom of confession as well as a formal separation between a state and a church. It emphasizes the secular nature of the state, presented in the doctrine of the religious law as a state which indicates a separation of the religious associations characterized mainly by organizational and functional independence.Pozycja Pozycja ustrojowa rządu Republiki Estonii oraz jego rola w tworzeniu nowoczesnego państwa(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2018) Szwed, KatarzynaThe aim of the article is to analyze the constitutional position of the government in the Estonian political system. The parliamentary system determines the shape of the relation between the chief state authorities. A peculiar feature of Estonian governments is that they are usually formed as a coalition and are easily changed. Nonetheless, the whole political system should be regarded as stable. Currently Estonia is an example of a state that successfully applied information and communication technology to public administration. In particular the individual governments are actively working to mainstream the digitalization issue.Pozycja Energetyka wodna w Pakistanie. Szanse i zagrożenia(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2018) Głogowski, AleksanderHydro energy is not the main source of energy for the rapidly developing Pakistani economy, but it is an important element of her energy mix. From the Islamabad's economic interests point of view of, the priority is to limit the scale of blackouts, which slow down the development of economics and make life of Pakistan’s population tougher. Hydro power plants, however, are considered more expensive when it comes to the cost of construction than conventional ones. They have a significant advantage: they do not require fuel, and therefore for a country relatively lacking natural resources it is an interesting alternative. The Indus river basin area is suitable to the construction of this type of infrastructure. However, demographic factors are a serious limitation for the development of this type of infrastructure – the growing population means an increase in the demand for potable water (both for people as well as for the food sector). In addition, environmental risks associated with global warming may also have a negative impact on water supply. International environment is disadvantageous to the development of hydro plants. The Indus Water Treaty, signed with India in 1960, does not match the new challenges posed by both the growing population and the development of hydropower. Therefore, competition in the management of shrinking water resources may lead to an escalation of the conflict between India and Pakistan, lasting over 70 years. An important role for the dynamics of international relations in South Asia, also in the energy and water dimension, has and will have a policy of the People's Republic of China, which is focused on close cooperation with Pakistan, which is considered by India as a thread.Pozycja Światowe zużycie energii pierwotnej oraz zapotrzebowanie na nią w przyszłości(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2018) Olkuski, TadeuszIn the developing world, the demand for energy is constantly growing. Most scenarios of economic development in the world predict an increase in demand for fuels and energy. For example, in the New Policy Scenario developed by the International Energy Agency, an increase in the share of natural gas and renewable energy in primary energy demand is assumed. Not only highly developed countries expect an increased demand in this area, also developing countries, mainly from Asia, will need more fuels and energy in the future. The main development engines will be China and India. It is these countries that will need the most raw materials and energy. Poland is also planning further economic development, but the continued lack of energy policy does not allow for the accurate assessment of future needs in this area.Pozycja Misja Resolute Support w Afganistanie – cele i sposób realizacji(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2018) Machniak, ArkadiuszMission “Resolute Support” began on 1 January 2015 after the 13 years of the ISAF operation. Resolute Support is intended to support the Afghan army and the preparation of the local headquarters of the security forces and institutions subordinate to the Ministry of National Defense and the Ministry of the Interior for independent action. It is now probably the last stage of preparing Afghanistan for autonomous action. International consultants play a key role on achieving the mission. Resolute Support is for Afghanistan forces responsible for efforts to launch independent efforts and the fight against the Taliban. Support for the Afghan security forces must be carried out with the help of the international coalition.Pozycja Uwarunkowania polityczno-ekonomiczne polityki Chińskiej Republiki Ludowej na Bliskim Wschodzie(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2018) Bielicki, PawełThe subject of my interest is to characterize the most important political and economic conditions that characterize the policy of the People's Republic of China towards the Middle East region. The main purpose of my work is to present holistic aspects of Chinese diplomacy towards the Muslim world, boiling down mainly to the economic conquest of the Middle East area. At the outset, I trace the relations of the China with Iraq and Iran, which are currently the most important countries in the Middle East for Beijing, thanks to which Beijing is systematically strengthening its position in the region. In the ensuing section of the article, I would like to discuss Beijing's relations with other political entities in the Middle East, starting with Israel and Palestine, ending with the rich states of the Persian Gulf - Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates. An important element of my reflections is also the mention of Beijing's position on political disputes in the Middle East - the Israeli-Palestinian and Syrian conflicts and the growing Islamic State, which in some way relates to the Uighur issue, extremely troublesome for Beijing due to the separatist struggle of the inhabitants of this society. In summary, I will try to outline whether Beijing's policy towards the Middle East will undergo certain modifications in the near future. I also intend to try to answer the question whether the concerns of the region's countries over China's economic power are justified.Pozycja Us Undeclared Wars: Presidential Requests for Congressional Authorization/Support for Use of Force(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2018) Rzepecka, MartaNiniejszy artykuł poświęcony jest prezydenckiej retoryce wojny, a w szczególności prezydenckiej retoryce użycia siły. Na przykładzie prezydenckich wniosków do Kongresu o autoryzację/poparcie użycia siły artykuł analizuje elementy, które definiują i kształtują retorykę użycia siły, porównuje jej elementy z elementami retoryki wojny i ocenia znaczenie wyników analizy dla badań nad prezydenckim językiem wojny.