Polityka i Społeczeństwo nr 4(15)/2017


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  • Pozycja
    Powstanie rządu Prawa i Sprawiedliwości, Ligi Polskich Rodzin i Samoobrony jako elementu budowy IV RP – analiza prasoznawcza wybranych dzienników ogólnopolskich
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2017) Kuca, Paweł
    The main purpose of the article is to present and analyse press studies which concern the coming into existence of the government coalition and the period of collaborative government by the Law and Justice (Prawo i Sprawiedliwość), The Polish Family League (Liga Polskich Rodzin) and Self-Defence (Samoobrona) in 2006. It is the latest contribution to examinations related to press studies which concern the structure of the so-called IV Republic, the political project carried out in Poland in the years 2005–2007. Examinations included the analysis about the attitudes of the media to the construction of the IV Republic. The described analysis in the present article concerns three daily newspapers “Gazeta Wyborcza”, “Rzeczpospolita” and “Nasz Dziennik”. Examinations were conducted based on an analysis of the contents of the press.
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    Równa reprezentacja kobiet w mediach? Obecność polityczek w programach publicystycznych TVP – doniesienie wstępne
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2017) Hulewska, Aleksandra
    One of the key objectives of European Union policy is to equalize the opportunities for women and men in the most important areas of social life. An urgent field for such actions is the solicitude of equal representation of women and men in the media (as follows from numerous studies, the mass media can strengthen or weaken gender stereotypes). Primarily the public media should obey the so-called gender mainstreaming principle – because of the public mission. Therefore the purpose of the presented study was an attempt to determine whether, in the selected TVP journalistic programs with politicians’ participation, women were sufficiently represented. Given that, according to the Quota Act, the electoral lists for the Sejm cannot be less than 35% women candidates, it was expected that there would be at least the same proportion of women and men in the analyzed material. The quantitative content analysis method was used to solve the research problem. The results showed that the representation of women in the analyzed programs was lower than originally assumed. There are therefore grounds for continuing research on the issue of women’s access to the media, especially on determinants, manifestations and socio-cultural consequences of possible gender inequalities in this area.
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    Nowa komunikacja polityczna: Twitter Andrzeja Dudy
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2017) Pietrzyk, Bartosz
    Social media has created new formats and forms of social activity. Production, receipt of information and communications have integrated themselves introducing a new type of communication activity. The role of social media is so important that any social group can go past them indifferently. This situation also applies to politics. Portals such as Twitter, in addition to the innovative communication formula, have established „one-man relations.” The purpose of this work is to determine the formula by which Andrzej Duda runs his Twitter account. The analysis identifies the collection of the most frequently discussed topics, the most popular news, and ways of using the site by Andrzej Duda. The study used quantitative and qualitative methods, including horizontal analysis and content analysis taking into account the media context and hypertextual structure. The main purpose of the description is a thorough quantitative analysis taking into consideration aspects of qualitative analysis (categories, topics, relationships).
  • Pozycja
    Rola mediów społecznościowych w procesie budowania wizerunku kobiet prezydentów miast na przykładzie serwisu Facebook
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2017) Posyłek, Małgorzata
    The contemporary image of a female politician is no longer perceived through her attractiveness (which, however, can be decisive in election process), but through her education, knowledge, and professional experience. A much higher level of engagement is expected from female politicians than from their male counterparts, therefore achieving success might be difficult. This situation demands a much more active approach in creating an image in order to indicate to the electors that women are able to fulfill the most important duties at all levels of political power due to their level of education, knowledge and higher personal engagement. Creating an image requires a systematic effort to design and to highlight some elements of identity, taking advantage of public relations and marketing, that will gain the acceptance of the voters. The power of the Internet in public sphere, and it’s significance in marketing actions has led to social media being widely employed in the image building process. For female city mayors, who broadcast their activities on their public accounts, social media has become a form of image creation. The analysis produced below focuses on the process of image building on Facebook for the female city mayors of the Łódź Voivodeship during the local government election campaign of 2014.