Polityka i Społeczeństwo nr 1(15)/2017

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Ostatnio nadesłane materiały

Aktualnie wyświetlane 1 - 15 z 15
  • Pozycja
    Russian world’s fundamentalism aggression against Ukraine as a challenge for modern journalism standards
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2017) Zaliznyak, Yuriy
    W artykule poddano analizie koncepcję „Rosyjskiego Świata” oraz standardy współczesnego dziennikarstwa w odniesieniu do konfliktu zbrojnego w Donbasie, stanowiącego starcie doktryny Moskwy i zachodniej cywilizacji. Przypadek strony internetowej Myrotvorets i opublikowanej tam listy dziennikarzy akredytowanych na terytoriach okupowanych został użyty jako dowód głębokiego zrozumienia skomplikowanej sytuacji, w której światowym i lokalnym mediom przychodzi informować o konfliktach. W artykule dokonano krytycznej analizy koncepcji „Rosyjskiego Świata”, ze wskazaniem na jego ekspansjonistyczną i fundamentalistyczną naturę. Przeprowadzono porównanie redakcyjnych poradników dla dziennikarzy oraz wyzwań wojny hybrydowej. Lista zaleceń dla dziennikarzy oraz odbiorców ich publikacji stanowi podsumowanie artykułu.
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    Polska Kronika Filmowa w latach 1945–1968 jako medium partyjne. Zarys problemu
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2017) Jędrzejski, Łukasz
    The inspiration for this sketch was the analysis of documents produced by the party and state authorities, and state and party leaders of the Polish People's Republic, with reference to the activities at that time of an important channel of communication: the Polish Film Chronicle
  • Pozycja
    Polskie media i medialne inicjatywy obywatelskie wobec napływu uchodźców i migrantów
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2017) Wciseł, Wojciech
    Migrants and refugees find themselves in the media spotlight due to the attention generated by the migrant crisis. This article aims at an analysis of the selected mainstream and civic media in Poland, together with their published materials and media initiatives. The author points to the polarity of the media attitudes and differences in the media coverage of the migration topic. This article should be regarded as a contribution to the discussion over the role of the media in the coverage of the migrant crisis, especially in the context of the reception and integration of migrants and refugees in Poland.
  • Pozycja
    Rola mediów społecznościowych w komunikowaniu politycznym
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2017) Posyłek, Małgorzata
    Starting efficient communication with a society is an indispensable element of a contemporary democratic state. Its aim comprises building and managing images of political stage participants, but first of all conducting a continuous social dialogue. An increase in media significance, mainly electronic media and a media saturation process, including satisfying the society significantly with information from mass media have caused politicians more and more often to take unconventional actions; actions aimed at election success. The development of modern technologies helped in the professionalization of election campaigns that have appeared on the Internet, adjusting tools of marketing communication to new channels of transmission. Politicians have placed great emphasis on this medium as they have noticed its power within public space and meaning in marketing actions. The process of building images of politicians has moved to highly interactive and multimedia social networks. The subject of analysis presented in this article is the course of the presidential campaign, candidates in the 2014 local election in Częstochowa on Facebook.
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    Rola mikroregionalnych portali internetowych w samorządowych kampaniach wyborczych 2010–2014
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2017) Kornacka-Grzonka, Monika
    Local media, including local websites, play an extremely important role during the local elections. This article reflects issues related to the evolution of the role of micro-portals during the electoral campaigns of 2010 and 2014. Qualitative and quantitative content analysis of selected private micro-portals was carried out. It was found that they undergo dynamic transformations in the construction and offered functionality and increasingly mobilize their audience. In addition, they are characterized by constant restraint regarding the coverage of controversial issues related to the election campaign. The functions of the microregion portals dynamically have changed, which indicates the existence of different types of approach to the situation of the local elections. Thus there is no single dominant type of activity of sites in relation to the situation of the elections at the local level.
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    Wykorzystanie portalu Twitter jako narzędzia w zarządzaniu problemowym (issue management) w obszarze polityki
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2017) Drosik, Adam
    There is no denying that one of the foundations of contemporary politics, and perhaps the most important, is the image. The image of politician and the party, the image which is so carefully looked after by numerous specialists. Elaborately prepared design, which is delicately managed to create the right impression. At the same time this construction is exposed to dozens of hazards that can cause all sorts of crisis situations. So far, in the practice of public relations there is a belief that a crisis in any organization (entity) is inevitable, like death and taxes. The department of public relations is also responsible for crisis management during the course of events of the crisis situation. However, today more and more often, we go one step further, pointing out that it is necessary to strive for a situation in which any possible crisis will be detected early or even beforehand, and thus the appearance of the crisis situation will be postponed into the indefinite future. For anticipating the crisis, from the point of view of public relations, responsible is “issue management” and the purpose of this article is to present to use of the Twitter portal as a tool used to foresee a crisis situation with regard to the political image. The example of actions taken by the Ministry of Regional Development during a press conference of Law and Justice party in November 2013 was used as a case study.
  • Pozycja
    Kobiety świata polityki na okładkach wybranych polskich tygodników w latach 2014–2015
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2017) Brzoza, Katarzyna
    The image of women representing the world of politics, seen on the covers of selected Polish weekly magazines in the years 2014–2015, is the area of interest in this article. The conducted analysis helped to determine the dominance of occurrence and the way of portraying human beings, with special attention paid to the female gender, on the covers of 9 magazines („Do Rzeczy”, „Gazeta Polska”, „W Sieci”, „Polityka”, „Wprost”, „Newsweek Polska”, „Przegląd”, „Tygodnik Powszechny”, „Gość Niedzielny”). An essential part of these deliberations was focused on women involved in political life. The method of presenting female politicians was identified, and the names of those most frequently appearing on the covers of analyzed weekly magazines were indicated. Further endeavor was made to grasp the role of the female gender in modern politics, by using the method of imaging, visible on the covers of chosen weekly magazines.
  • Pozycja
    Liderzy i partie IV Rzeczpospolitej na łamach wybranych dzienników opinii w 2005 roku. Analiza badań
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2017) Kuca, Paweł
    The main purpose of the article is to present the unique authors researches related to press studies, which concern political leaders and the political groups involved in the socalled project of construction of the IV Republic. Researches covered the period after the parliamentary and presidential elections in 2005. The press analysis include the “Gazeta Wyborcza” and “Republic”, two all-Polish quality newspapers with the highest sales in this section of the press in 2005. The main purpose of this research is an analysis of the attitudes of chosen titles to politicians and political groups which co-create the authority camp of IV Republic of Poland, from the beginning and during the initial activity in 2005. For examinations the method of content analysis was applied.
  • Pozycja
    Partia Razem w prasie opiniotwórczej przed wyborami parlamentarnymi w 2015 roku
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2017) Mazur, Marek
    The main goal of the article concerning the parliamentary election in 2015 in Poland was to study the way the quality press presented the Razem/Together Party in the election campaign, the least (in terms of social support) the national electoral committee. Based on content analysis of Gazeta Wyborcza and Rzeczpospolita considering exposure, forms, context and themes of the party presentation there were some conclusions presented referring to the qualities of the presentation in the light of the media functions resulting from the liberal democratic model.
  • Pozycja
    Dwa typy stowarzyszeń społecznych w publikacjach tygodnika „Polityka”
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2017) Furman, Wojciech
    The purpose of this article was to examine if both types of social associations, as proposed by Michael Oakeshott, had been present in the chosen publications of “Polityka” weekly magazine. First the main characteristics of journalist messages were described. An important part of these characteristics applies to relations between journalists and politicians and between journalists and the idea of common good. On this basis four different concepts of journalism were distinguished. The analysis revealed that both types of associations could be identified in the journalists’ messages, and that the differences between these associations were significant.
  • Pozycja
    Stronniczość mediów w bipolarnym środowisku politycznym. Tygodnik „Polityka” w kampaniach wyborczych 2015 roku
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2017) Kolczyński, Mariusz
    The 2014–2015 electoral cycle was a serious marketing challenge for Polish weeklies because of the gradual change in the balance of power (after several years of Civic Platform domination, the ratings of Law and Justice significantly improved), which implied a more leveled electoral rivalry and changes on the publishing market- leading to more intensive competition between weeklies presenting similar editorial perspective: “Polityka” – “Newsweek” – “W Sieci” – “Do Rzeczy” – “Gazeta Polska”, taking into consideration the relatively low number of readers of such publications. From this perspective the analysis of journalistic endeavors of “Polityka” during the period of time preceding the key elections (Presidential and Parliamentary) in 2015 seem to be an important research problem – taking into account the rank of “Polityka” and its part in forming and defining questions of civil and political discourse.
  • Pozycja
    Narratologia w badaniach komunikacji politycznej. Metodologiczne przymiarki
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2017) Kołodziej, Jacek H.
    Developed within literary studies, the narrative theory is helping to understand relations between an author, features of a narrative text, its contents, cultural meanings, and perception. Modern narratology stems from the research of formalists (e.g. V. Propp), structural theory of literature (M. Bakhtin, Y. Lotman), and blossomed due to structuralism and semiology (R. Barthes, T. Todorov, A. Greimas et al.) – to become in the second half of XX century one of the main tools for explaining the communication strategy of a man – storytelling. A narrative is a commonplace to determine the dynamic elements of our experience, and as such is a fundamental category of perception. It is the core of the art of literature, interpretative journalism, but also makes the spine of political marketing (spinning political events and visions). This text tries to describe the basic methodological assumptions of narratology in order to make it suitable for political communication analysis.
  • Pozycja
    Dziennikarstwo polityczne w perspektywie teoretycznej
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2017) Michalczyk, Stanisław
    Without a doubt, political journalism plays a central role in all types of media. It is based upon media coverage of current political life in both domestic and international aspects. As a result, it attracts the attention of a wide audience, interested in information and comments from this sphere. Political issues usually start messages in electronic media and are located on the front pages of newspapers. In the delivered paper its author defines the basic concepts of political journalism, he discusses briefly the history, functions and tasks, as well as the relationship arising between political journalists and politicians, sources of information and forms of communication. The political journalism is focused on providing the information about current political events, activities of political actors and its circumstances. In fact, political journalism relates to public and democratic tasks, shapes public opinion, links the political decisionmaking sphere and society. Besides, it gives importance to specific political problems, performing three functions: education, explanation, and mediation of transfer of political knowledge. The author discusses in the paper the forms of expression in political journalism such as reports, talk shows, interviews, reportages. Political journalism is changing under the influence of the development of new communication technologies.