Cross-sectoral cooperation in order to solve social problems
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Celem jest stworzenie interdyscyplinarnego forum wymiany myśli na temat partnerstwa międzysektorowego na rzecz rozwiązywania problemów społecznych.
1. Współpraca międzysektorowa w procesie integracji społecznej osób: niepełnosprawnych, chorych psychicznie, ubogich, starszych, uzależnionych, doświadczających przemocy, bezdomnych itd.
2. Partnerstwo międzysektorowe na rzecz rozwiązywania problemów rodziny (rodzina w ponowoczesnym społeczeństwie). Współpraca służb socjalnych z instytucjami edukacyjnymi.
3. Partnerstwo międzysektorowe na rzecz rozwiązywania problemów rynku pracy.
4. Formowaniu partnerstwa pomiędzy podmiotami działającymi na rzecz rozwiązywania problemów społecznych. Partnerska rola władz lokalnych, organizacji pozarządowych oraz sektora prywatnego. Uwarunkowanie współpracy międzysektorowej.
5. Formy współpracy międzysektorowej – perspektywy dla organizacji pozarządowych w kontekście ustawy o działalności pożytku publicznego i wolontariacie. Wolontariusz – sprzymierzeniec czy konkurent? Wolontariat biznesu.
6. Współpraca organizacji pozarządowych z sektorem publicznym oraz prywatnym na przykładzie wybranych projektów współfinansowanych ze środków Unii Europejskiej.
7. Trzeci sektor a ekonomia społeczna. Budowanie współpracy na rzecz rozwoju ekonomii społecznej, a także ukazanie dobrych praktyk w obszarze partnerstwa międzysektorowego. Partnerstwa ponadnarodowe.
In the countries of the European Union, the idea of partnership has a strong relationship with modernising the traditional models of social policy (Księżopolski 1999). A shifting of the traditional model of the welfare state in the direction of a welfare society is taking place. An important aspect, therefore, is the socialisation and enlargement of the range of shared responsibility of particular individuals, their families and the local community, to ensure dignified living conditions and social cohesion.
The cooperation of representatives from the various sectors of social and economic life, defined as cross-sectoral partnership, is becoming more and more popular. The initiators of such partnerships are public institutions, NGOs, and businesses that operate at the local, regional, as well as national levels. J. Wygnański emphasised that: The principle of partnership has, from the axiological and political aspect, another much more crucial (and specifically European) root, namely the principle of subsidiarity. This principle has a long-standing European tradition. (...) The principle of subsidiarity denotes the specific "division of labour" between particular communities. It means, that whenever a smaller (more local or generally speaking, grassroots) community is capable of solving a given problem, the community (institution) located "higher" in the hierarchy can and should support that community in its efforts, but it should not, through its own actions, encroach on its territory and thereby (at least indirectly) incapacitate its citizens (Wygnański 2012: 9). Activating cooperation of the greatest number of diverse entities possible creates an opportunity for the permanent realisation of certain public purposes, among which social integration should be primarily mentioned.
The international debate on the topic of cross-sectoral partnerships in terms of solving social problems, allowed for the preparation of a monograph, containing the results of research, analysis, and proposals posed by researchers representing several countries: the Czech Republic and Slovakia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, as well as Poland.
Šarka Ulčáková joined the discussion concerning understanding the concept of social entrepreneurship in the context of its development in European countries within the past few decades. Beata Szluz has addressed the topic of partnership for combating social exclusion, using the example of social cooperatives operating in the Subcarpathian Voivodeship, which are a specific form of social enterprise. Working in a cooperative creates an opportunity for social integration and raising the professional skills of individuals at risk of social exclusion due to unemployment, disability or mental illness, those having problems finding a job, as well as social integration.
Katarzyna Błaszczuk revealed good practices which oppose exclusion through the example of entities engaged in social economy activities in the Subcarpathian Voivodeship. Next, Piotr Frączek and Sylwia Drozd presented the operation of the Centre for Social Integration in Sanok (Subcarpathian Voivodeship), as an example of initiatives aimed at social reintegration.
Ester Denihelková noted that the priority of the social economy is the employment of individuals who are socially excluded or those at risk of social exclusion. Chronic unemployment and the need to reduce the national budget deficit are factors that cause difficulties in the fields of social policy and social work. She posed the question, to what extent can the social economy help to solve these problems? The aim of her the article is to present the current state of both the Czech social economy and Czech social enterprises. Vendula Gojová emphasised interaction in the context of interdisciplinary social work and social entrepreneurship, which could support the capacity of civil society. She attempted to answer the question of whether social assistance can use the ideas of social entrepreneurship.
Polish accession to the European Union has created new opportunities for economic and social development - stressed Paweł Walawender. Cross-sectoral cooperation takes place in different areas and is also realised by the actions undertaken within the framework of projects financed through European Union Funds. Creating a partnership is a difficult task, as it requires close cooperation with representatives of organisations whose priorities, objectives and methods of operation may vary considerably. The article introduces the concept of cross-sectoral partnerships based on the author's experience with projects implemented in the Subcarpathian Voivodeship, the aim of which was to assist individuals at risk of social exclusion. Cultural anthropology and its practical dimension in projects which include cross-sectoral partnership, constitutes the focus of considerations by Mateusz Sikora.
Tatiana Matulayová, Ilona Pešatová, and Zdenka Michalová took up a discussion on the issues connected with the possibilities of the development of social work in schools. Maria Shved drew attention to trends in the development of higher education and the growing demands in the preparation of social pedagogues (and social workers). She presented the functioning of graduates in the labour market, referring to their professional competence in light of the analysis conducted by American, German and Ukrainian scientists.
Monika Łagowska dealt with the subject of the situation of graduates in the labour market and partnership for solving their problems. According to the author, the completion of education and then entering the labour market is a key step in the life of every young person. Cooperation between the various entities seems to be the key in the context of tackling the issue of unemployment among graduates. Then, Dana Rosová presented the results of research on the meaning of life for the unemployed. She attempted to gather recommendations for social work, bearing in mind that more attention should be paid to the long-term unemployed, in order to encourage them to again take up employment.
Jitka Reissmannová presented innovations in the field of education aimed toward the prosocial development of students. She put emphasis on activities connected with education and first aid, and now also for instance, in the prevention of ageing. Marie Chrásková presented the perception of health problems in the community, taking into account the views of Czech and Polish students, and drawing attention to the activities of voluntary work with respect to the sick and disabled. Next, Małgorzata Stępa commented on assistance to the terminally ill and the entities tasked with providing assistance to those individuals and their families. Aleksandra Rachwał illustrated institutional support for families caring for a sick person. She presented the issues of communication, cooperation, promotion and information. She emphasised the need for long-term support for the family of an individual with an oncological disease and (re)building trust toward aid institutions in public life.
Michaela Hřivnová and Jana Majerová stressed in their articles that within the framework of cooperation between educational institutions in the Czech Republic, optimal solutions in terms of hazardous or pathological behaviour are being sought. Dana Rosová, Oľga Orosová, and Eva Žiaková presented the results of research into the meaning of life, self-esteem and the social support provided to homeless persons, as well as the degree of satisfaction with the social support provided by different entities. Elżbieta Szczygieł presented the results of research into the phenomenon of homelessness among children and adolescents. She made an attempt to portray the cooperation of entities in combatting this social problem.
Consideration was given by Helena Kalábová and Jan Jihlavec to the issue of the importance of family and the home. As the authors depict, the so-called eco-friendly way of life which is often discussed nowadays, can also refer to the family and interpersonal relationships. The cooperation of educational institutions and social institutions in solving the problems of the contemporary family became the focus of Svitlana Kohut. Then, Magda Urbańska outlined the topic of cross-sectoral cooperation in solving the problems of working parents.
Voluntary activity is the basis for the establishment and development of civil society. Serhiy Troyan and Paweł Troyan pointed out that in the last 10-15 years, the number of people participating (declaring their participation) in volunteerism in Ukraine has increased significantly, reflecting the increasing role and influence of the voluntary movement in the country. In Ukraine, volunteerism appeared in the early 1990s (in 1993). Its aim was to increase the participation of citizens in voluntary work, with a view to solving specific social problems.
Agnieszka Belcer and Anna Wojnarowska postulated development of partnerships and cooperation in order to oppose social exclusion. Partnerships are initiated by companies, NGOs, and public institutions operating at the local, regional, national or global level. Each party brings different experiences and skills, whereby cross-sectoral cooperation can become sustainable, efficient and effective.
The authors hope that the book will be of interest to sociologists, social workers, educators, as well as representatives of social services that are undertaking activities in terms of counteracting social problems.