Polityka i Społeczeństwo nr 1(13)/2015


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    Arabska Wiosna, „algierska zima”. Analiza kampanii wyborczej w czasie wyborów prezydenckich w Algierii (17.04.2014)
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2015) Kobis, Rafał
    Article aims to provide the reader with the specifics of non-European political systems on the example of the presidential elections in Algeria. Although the election campaign alluded to Western standards, the election results confirmed the pre-election speculation. The unquestionable victory of the seventy-seven-year-old Abdelaziz Buteflika shows that power in Algeria is still in the hands of the old generation of politicians, harking back to the times of the War of Independence from the years 1954 to 1962. The article presents an analysis of the statements of the Constitution relating to the position of the President of the State, and a brief description of the current presidential elections in Algeria. It also presents the candidates and their manifestos in the campaign of 2014. The article ends with conclusions which show the internal and external factors affecting the stability of the Algerian political regime and examines the possible effects of the Buteflika’s victory for security in the Mediterranean region and the European Union.
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    Symbolika „Solidarności” w kampanii wyborczej do Sejmu w roku 2011 w okręgu wyborczym nr 25. Przykład uprawiania polityki symbolicznej na polskiej scenie politycznej
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2015) Szuta, Agnieszka
    The issue of the harnessing of symbols by politicians is essential, because it explains to what extent government representatives are able to make an impact on society and how much identifying with specific symbols can be viewed as an acceptance of political myths and ideas by voters. This topic is particularly valid in the light of upcoming local government elections. Time caesuras of the analyzed subject will be limited by the duration of the election campaign that took place in 2011, from the announcement by the President of the Republic of Poland to the start of electoral silence. Territorial coverage of the undertaken research will apply to constituency No. 25: the Gdańsk constituency which covers the following counties: Gdańsk, Kwidzyn, Malbork, Nowy Dwór, Starogard, Sztum, Tczew and cities with county rights like Gdańsk and Sopot. The intention of this article is to indicate the manner and intensity in which the symbol of “Solidarity” was used during the parliamentary election campaign by candidates from the Gdańsk constituency as well as to answer if, and to what extent it contributed towards their electoral success.
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    Negatywna telewizyjna reklama polityczna w wyborach do Parlamentu Europejskiego w Polsce w 2009 roku
    (Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2015) Friedrich, Marek
    Negative television political advertising has become an instrument commonly found in election campaigns in most democratic countries around the world. This article is intended to show the functioning of this element of political marketing, focusing in particular on its presence on Polish soil. This article indicates the genesis of negative televi-sion political advertising, its nature, significance, and provides an analysis that included sample ads by the campaign staffs of Law and Justice, Civic Platform and Democratic Left Alliance, which were broadcast during the election campaign before the election to the European Parliament in 2009.