Neoadjuvant therapy in breast cancer – objectives and tasks

Obrazek miniatury
Ostańska, Elżbieta
Bartusik-Aebisher, Dorota
Aebisher, David
Kaznowska, Ewa
Tytuł czasopisma
Tytuł tomu
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego
Introduction. Neoadiuvant therapy (NCT) in the treatment of breast cancer is employed for patients with early stage disease or with inoperable disease. NCT can decrease the tumor volume. It can facilitate breast conservation therapy. Response to NCT is a strong predictor of outcome breast cancer (BC). Direct target therapies has markedly improved the result of treatment BC. Aim. Therapy for breast cancer continues to improve. The importance of tumor burden on local control rates will be in the future. Material and methods. This analysis was performed using a systematic literature search. Results. The latest scientific reports give hope for greater safety and a better life for patients based on optimized and effective therapy. Conclusion. Currently, improving the effectiveness of breast cancer treatment is mainly related to the optimal use of classic therapeutic strategies. New classes of substances have been approved for treatment or are in advanced stages of clinical development.
Dorota Bartusik-Aebisher acknowledges support from the National Center of Science NCN (New drug delivery systems-MRI study, Grant OPUS-13 number 2017/25/B/ST4/02481).
Słowa kluczowe
neoadjuvant therapy (NCT) , breast cancer (BC) , triple negative breast cancer (TNBC)
European Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine T. 17, z. 2 (2019), s. 153–156