Objectively Assessed Physical Activity of Preschool‐ Aged Children from Urban Areas

Obrazek miniatury
Herbert, Jarosław
Matłosz, Piotr
Lenik, Justyna
Szybisty, Agnieszka
Baran, Joanna
Przednowek, Karolina
Wyszyńska, Justyna
Tytuł czasopisma
Tytuł tomu
International journal of environmental research and public health
Little is known about physical activity (PA) of preschool‐age children in Poland through the course of the day. PA monitoring using an accelerometer increases the reliability of measuring daily PA levels and offers a reasonable compromise between accuracy and feasibility of measurement. The aim of the study was to determine the level of physical activity of preschool children (aged 5–6) on the basis of moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) index and the number of steps. The physical activity of preschool children was assessed using accelerometery (ActiGraph) in 371 children for up to seven days. The normality of distribution was assessed using the Shapiro–Wilk test. The Mann‐Whitney U‐test and Kruskal‐Wallis test were used to assess the significance of differences. The study group children had an average age of 5.4 years (± 0.6). Boys and girls showed a different level of MVPA index. The results significantly improve the current knowledge of PA in Europe. Promoting active lifestyles in children should be one of the health priorities in developed countries
Słowa kluczowe
accelerometery , objective monitoring , young children , physical activity , preschool
Herbert, J.; Matłosz, P.; Lenik, J.; Szybisty, A.; Baran, J.; Przednowek, K.; Wyszyńska, J. Objectively Assessed Physical Activity of Preschool-Aged Children from Urban Areas. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2020, 17, 1375