Lyszczyna, Jacek2020-03-042020-03-042019Tematy i Konteksty 9(14) 2019, s. 307–3122299-8365 Gaszyński found himself in Lithuania during the November Uprising, fighting as a lieutenant in the corps of General Giełgud. The images of the uprising in Lithuania are reflected in his book “Pieśni pielgrzyma polskiego” (“The Songs of a Polish Pilgrim”). It was published in Paris in 1833, after the defeat of the uprising, and it contains 24 poems, e.g.: “Przejście Niemna przez wojska polskie (Crossing the Neman by the Polish Army), Spalenie Czerwonego dworu (The Burning of the Red Mansion), Zajęcie Rosień przez powstańców (Insurgents Occupying Rosienie)” and “Do Emilii Plater i Marii Raszanowicz, walczących w szeregach powstańców litewskich (To Emilia Plater and Maria Raszanowicz, Fighting in the Ranks of the Insurgents of Lithuania)”.polAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 MiędzynarodoweńskiLithuaniaNovember UprisingpoetryemigrationLitwapowstanie listopadowepoezjaemigracjaKonstanty Gaszyński na LitwieKonstanty Gaszyński in Lithuaniaarticle10.15584/tik.2019.19