Pawłowska, AgnieszkaGąsior-Niemiec, AnnaKołomycew, Anna2015-05-142015-05-1420131732-9639 notion of intersectoral partnership is understood in the paper in terms of voluntary and institutionalized cooperation between stakeholders representing public, private and civic sectors. The idea of this kind of partnership is related to new approaches to regional and local development in the European Union. One of the main fields in which these approaches are implemented is the field of rural areas development, where partnerships take the form of Local Action Groups (LAGs). The paper discusses selected aspects of the partnerships’ functioning, basing on an analysis of opinions expressed by their individual members in the Sub-Carpathian region.polUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 Polska partnershipsrural areasLocal Action GroupSub-Carpathian regionFunkcjonowanie partnerstw międzysektorowych w opinii ich członków. Przykład lokalnych grup działania województwa podkarpackiegoTHE FUNCTIONING OF MULTISECTOR PARTNERSHIPS IN THE OPINION OF THEIR MEMBERS. CASE STUDY OF THE LOCAL ACTION GROUPS IN THE SUB-CARPATHIAN REGIONarticle