Trofymenko, Anastasija2022-12-292022-12-292022-12Tematy i Konteksty 12(17) 2022, s. 228–2392299-8365 article examines the origin of horror as a genre within the cluster of all horror literature genres. The structure of genological-typological evolution of these genres has been analysed. It has been proven that horror, due to its specificity, should be referred to this group of genres which are realized in literature on the basis of genre memory.polAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Poland memorygenological-typological evolutiongatunekgenezapamięć gatunkuewolucja genologiczno-typologicznaGeneza horroru jako gatunkuThe Origin of Horror as a Genrearticle10.15584/tik.2022.162719-8561