Mudrak, OlexandrMudrak, GalinaBryndak, Тetiana2016-07-042016-07-042016Wojciech Walat, Edukacja – Technika – Informatyka nr 1(15)/2016, s. 175-1812080-90692450-9221 paper analyzes the structure of the Middle Transnistria national ecological network. The scheme of regional ecological network with the release of its structural elements. Showing prospects of development by 2020.engUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 Polska and landscape diversityMiddle Transnistriaregional ecological networkschemestructural elementsMiddle Transnistria in structure national ecological network of Ukraine: state and prospects of developmentarticle10.15584/eti.2016.1.25