Ligoda, Joanna2024-08-022024-08-022023-12Materiały i Sprawozdania Rzeszowskiego Ośrodka Archeologicznego, t. 44/2023, s. 185–188978-83-8277-106-00137-5725 2023, the District Museum in Rzeszów joined the organization of the European Days of Archaeology for the first time. The idea is to promote archaeology and generate interest in the past through lectures, festivals, readings, and seminars. The Rzeszów museum prepared a lecture on the history of the manor-granary in the Regional Storehouse of Archaeological Materials in Zgłobień. They also presented the history of the Rzeszów Archaeological Centre and the history of research in the southeastern Poland. For younger guests, there was a demonstration of prehistoric pottery-making and an educational, large-format board game on the knightly theme. All these activities were well-received by the visitors.polAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International of archaeologyEuropean Days of ArchaeologyRzeszów museum archaeological storehouseDistrict Museum in RzeszówEuropejskie Dni Archeologii w Regionalnej Składnicy Zabytków Archeologicznych w ZgłobniuEuropean Days of Archaeology at the Regional Storehouse of Archaeological Materials in Zgłobieńarticle10.15584/misroa.2023.44.12