Długosz, Piotr2016-01-082016-01-082015-12Петр Длугош, ПОТЕРЯННОЕ ЛИ ПОКОЛЕНИЕ? ПАТРИОТИЗМ, ОТНОШЕНИЕ К ДРУГИМ НАРОДАМ И ОЦЕНКА ЖИЗНЕННЫХ ШАНСОВ ОБУЧАЮЩИХСЯ В ПОЛЬШЕ УКРАИНСКИХ СТУДЕНТОВ, Youth in Central and Eastern Europe. Sociological Studies,3/2015,c.70-822409-952Xhttp://repozytorium.ur.edu.pl/handle/item/1345The article presents the results of the survey research conducted among Ukrainian students studying in Poland on the sample of 250 respondents chosen with the use of the quota method. The results indicate that one-third of respondents have positive feelings towards their own country and nation. Patriotism among respondents is manifested mainly by pride of belonging to Ukrainian nation and respect to national symbols. To a far smaller degree the respondents plan to connect their future with Ukraine and fight for its independence. They feel the greatest sympathy to Poles. The greatest antipathy is felt to Russians. The respondents maintain that they have better life chances than their parents. They indicate that nowadays youth can get education more easily, get a good job, start a family and achieve happiness. Ukrainian students in Poland, patriotism, social distance, lost generation, life chancesrusUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 Polskahttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/pl/social sciencesПОТЕРЯННОЕ ЛИ ПОКОЛЕНИЕ? ПАТРИОТИЗМ, ОТНОШЕНИЕ К ДРУГИМ НАРОДАМ И ОЦЕНКА ЖИЗНЕННЫХ ШАНСОВ ОБУЧАЮЩИХСЯ В ПОЛЬШЕ УКРАИНСКИХ СТУДЕНТОВIS LOST GENERATION? PATRIOTISM, ATTITUDE TOWARDS OTHER NATIONS AND THE EVALUATION OF LIFE CHANCES OF UKRAINIAN STUDENTS STUDYING IN POLANDarticle