Braun, Kazimierz2022-12-292022-12-292022-12Tematy i Konteksty 12(17) 2022, s. 256–2782299-8365 article investigates selected uses of theatricality by the poet and playwright Cyprian Norwid (1821-1883). Based on his previous works on theatricality, among others, his book “Theatricality of Life. Practices and Startegies” (A. Marszałek, Toruń 2020), as well as his numerous publications on Norwid, Kazimierz Braun focuses on four, especially evident, cases of Norwid’s bringing theatricality into play in his life. They are discussed in the chapters of the article: “Norwid on Horseback, Norwid Without a Coat, Norwid in a Cap “Konfederatka”, Norwid as Dalang”. (The latter chapter compares Norwid with an Indonesian Dalang, who is a “total” artist of theatre). Each case of use of theatricality by Norwid brought about a significant literary output such as poems, dramas, short stories and letters.polAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Poland NorwidMaria KalergisDalangtheatricalitymaskthetralizacjamaskaTeatralizacje Cypriana NorwidaCyprian Norwid’s Use of Theatricalityarticle10.15584/tik.2022.182719-8561