Walecki, Wacław2016-10-102016-10-102016Walecki W.; O Biblii brzeskiej – bloczek rocznicowy drugi; "Tematy i Konteksty" 2016, nr 6 (11): Staropolskie i oświeceniowe piśmiennictwo religijne. Swojskość i uniwersalizm; red. M. Nalepa, G. Trościński, s. 22-23.2299-8365http://repozytorium.ur.edu.pl/handle/item/1927The introduction presents the next stage in the research on the Brest Bible. It is the result of the conference organized in Brest in 2015, which was a continuation of a symposium that was also held in Brest to commemorate the 450th anniversary of the Radziwiłł Bible. The author presented main avenues of research on the Brest treasure and surveyed the themes of papers delivered by the participants. Their articles are included in the present volume of “Tematy i Konteksty”.polBiblia brzeskaBiblia RadziwiłłowskaBrześćMikołaj Radziwiłł „Czarny”„Tematy i Konteksty” 4(9) 2014the Brest Biblethe Radziwiłł BibleBrestMikołaj the Black Radziwiłł“Tematy i Konteksty” 4 (9) 2014O Biblii brzeskiej – bloczek rocznicowy drugiOn the Brest Bible – the Anniversary Notebook No. 2other