Maksimowicz, Krystyna2020-07-282020-07-282020Tematy i Konteksty 10(15) 2020, s. 528–5332299-8365 author of the review discusses the latest book by Bożena Mazurkowa that consists of eight chapters devoted to the issues of Polish poetry and prose at the Age of Enlightenment. The book is based on a wide array of sources interpreted from a variety of analytic perspectives. According to the author of the review, the book’s significance results from both the scope of the topics undertaken (including rarely discussed aspects of the writers’ public and private life), and the methods applied in order to analyze the subject.polAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Międzynarodowe literatureStanisław KonarskiWaleria TarnowskaAdam Jerzy Czartoryskimantic publicationsliteratura okolicznościowadruki wróżebneOd poezji okolicznościowej poświęconej najmłodszym do druków wróżebnych czasów stanisławowskichBetween Commemorative Poetry Dedicated to Children and the Mantic Writings Published during the Rule of Stanisław II Augustusarticle10.15584/tik.2020.39