Uljasz, Adrian2020-03-052020-03-052019Tematy i Konteksty 9(14) 2019, s. 636–6552299-8365http://repozytorium.ur.edu.pl/handle/item/5281Maria Niklewiczowa, an author of children’s literature, , contributed to the popularization of reading practice through telling her fairy tales during public shows and having her stories published later on, based on the idea that listening to fairy tales belongs to children’s first contacts with literature. As an author of novels, she promotedg the knowledge of history. She was an organizer of cultural activities as well, as evidenced in her fairy tale reading sessions. Until today, her most popular book is a volume of fairy-tales titled „Bajarka opowiada” (first edition – 1959).polAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Międzynarodowehttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/Maria Niklewiczowa (1892–1985)popular and literary fairy talehistorical novel for childrenbaśń ludowa i literackapowieść historyczna dla dzieciPopularyzacja czytelnictwa oraz historii ojczystej w twórczości literackiej krakowskiej bajarki i animatorki kultury Marii NiklewiczowejPopularization of Reading Practice and of the History of Poland in the Literary Output of Maria Niklewiczowa, a Fairy Tale Writer and Organizer of Cultural Activities from Cracowarticle10.15584/tik.2019.39