Tworzydło, Dariusz2015-05-132015-05-1320131732-9639 article presents the results of analysis exploring politicians’ and political parties’ reputation building processes. Due to this it contains examples of definitions which can be wrongly linked with interpretation of the term public relations – which mainly happens among politicians and some journalists. It also expands upon elements which can have positive and negative impact on reputation building processes. As an example the term manipulation is illustrated, which is very often wrongly understood and linked with professional communication. The article shows what benefits can be gained thanks to well planned and long-term public relations activities as well. One added value of this publication is communication model whose implementation during political campaigns can strengthen effects of tools discussed in the articlepolUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 Polska relationsmanipulationmarketingpromotionPublic relations w polityce. Korzyści wynikające z procesu budowania relacji oraz błędy w interpretacji definicjiPublic relations in politics. General benefits of relationship building and mistakes made by the misinterpretation of PR definitionarticle