Zawora, JolantaZawora, Paweł2016-07-252016-07-252015Eliza Frejtag-Mika, Przedsiębiorstwo i region z. 7/2015, s. 123–1332080-458X study deals with the issue of using public-private partnership to implement public tasks. This article aims to assess the development of public-private partnerships in Poland. The publication also attempts to identify obstacles and threats that hinder the use of public-private partnerships in Poland. The enactment of new regulations contributed to development of public-private partnership in Poland. It resulted in 82 contracts for public-private partnership, which were implemented between 2009-2014. The weakness of the polish PPP market is the low efficiency of proclaimed proceedings. The sectoral structure and the low value of the projects differentiate the PPP market in Poland from the market in Europe and the world.polUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 Polska partnershiplocal government investmentsRealizacja inwestycji samorządowych w formie partnerstwa publiczno-prywatnegoarticle10.15584/pir.2015.7.13