Obremski, Krzysztof2020-03-052020-03-052019Tematy i Konteksty 9(14) 2019, s. 663–6812299-8365http://repozytorium.ur.edu.pl/handle/item/5283The paper consists of two parts. The first one is dedicated to Przyboś as a son of Podgórze and to his relations with gothic cathedrals. The second one is dedicated the connection between the Atlantic and the Holocaust, and it is constituted around the idea of double vastness: the enormity of ocean waters and the martyrdom of the Jews; the poetic importance, however, lying not only in the very comparison, but in the possibility of proving its legitimacy.polAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Międzynarodowehttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/Julian Przybośpoetic imaginationPodgórzecathedralHolocaustAtlanticwyobraźnia poetyckakatedraHolokaustAtlantykCztery cząstki wyobraźni poetyckiej Juliana Przybosia: Podgórze i gotyckie katedry, Holokaust i AtlantykFour Pieces of Julian Przyboś’s Poetic Imagination: Podgórze and Gothic Cathedrals; the Holocaust and the Atlanticarticle10.15584/tik.2019.41