Szluz, Beata2021-09-012021-09-012011Szluz B., Pomoc społeczna wobec problemu bezdomności rodzin [w:] Wartość i dobro rodziny, red. J. Jęczeń, M.Z. Stepulak, Wydaw. Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, Lublin 2011, s. 121–132.978-83-7702-260-3 preliminary survey of the subject related literature showed that a research connected with family homelessness is undertaken very rarely. This phenomenon is a dangerous experience for an individual, but also the issue of family homelessness is becoming an alarming problem. Family's life is disturbed, which often leads to its disintegration. When a family faces homelessness, children are often placed in welfare institutions. Homelessness has negative impact on children's growth and education. Moreover it ruins physical and mental well being of the family members. In relation with the occurring problems, the herein article attempts an analysis of the issue of family homelessness.polAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Międzynarodowe problemhomelessnessfamilyPomoc społeczna wobec problemu bezdomności rodzinarticle