Maciejczyk, Beata2016-09-272016-09-272016Maciejczyk B.; Związki literatury sowizdrzalskiej z subkulturą hip-hopu. Intertekstualny dialog; "Tematy i Konteksty" 2016, nr 6 (11): Staropolskie i oświeceniowe piśmiennictwo religijne. Swojskość i uniwersalizm; red. M. Nalepa, G. Trościński, s. 475-482.2299-8365 article attempts to juxtapose the Polish picaresque literature of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries and contemporary Polish hip-hop lyrics. It focuses on a dialogue between products of cultures that are distant from one another temporally. Intertextuality, as a research tool, creates an interesting way of looking at such seemingly dissimilar cultural phenomena, and the result of these investigations shows a clear dialogism of these texts.polintertekstualnośćliteratura sowizdrzalska w Polscehip-hopintertextualityPolish picaresque literatureZwiązki literatury sowizdrzalskiej z subkulturą hip-hopu. Intertekstualny dialogJuxtaposition of the Polish Picaresque Literature and Hip-Hop. Intertextual Dialoguearticle