Wiliński, Jarosław2024-01-062024-01-062023-12Studia Anglica Resoviensia T. 20 (2023), s. 213-2301641-7666https://repozytorium.ur.edu.pl/handle/item/9594This paper utilizes the cognitive theory of metaphor and a corpus-based methodology to investigate the prevalent usage of metaphorical expressions derived from boxing terminology in the domain of politics. The objective is to identify and analyze the boxing metaphors that are commonly employed in political discourse. The findings of this study demonstrate the existence of boxing metaphors that exhibit strong or loose associations with the political domain. These metaphors possess distinct figurative meanings, originate from diverse metaphorical mappings, and serve multiple functions within the realm of political discourse.engAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Polandhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/pl/metaphorboxingpolitical discoursecorpusCOCABoxing metaphors in political discourse: A quantitative corpus-based studyarticle10.15584/sar.2023.20.121898-8709