Kosiek, Tomasz2016-10-072016-10-072016-06-30http://repozytorium.ur.edu.pl/handle/item/1919Th e article focuses on showing the representations of Poles and Jews in bibliographic narratives of people of Ukrainian origin displaced from areas of the Bieszczady and Pogórze Przemyskie within the Operation Vistula. Using the method of oral history, the author conducted several interviews. In each of them there appeared the “others” from the immediate neighbourhood, which are remembered as the participants of shared fun, family members, or the neighbours, with whom the most important holidays were celebrated. Th e author does not assess whether the remembered images correspond to contemporary reality, which ultimately, due to the war and ethnic cleansing, ceased to exist. He believes, however, that the strong presence of Poles and Jews in the emories of his interlocutors proves that these “others” were an important fragment of the lost world.polPolesJewsUkrainiansBieszczady MountainsPogórze PrzemyskieOperation VistuladisplacementWorld War IImemoryoral historythe Polish-Ukrainian borderlandPolacy i Żydzi Bieszczadów i Pogórza Przemyskiego w narracjach biograficznych osób wysiedlonych w Akcji „Wisła”. Raport z badańarticle10.4467/22999558.PE.15.028.5205