Musiał, Martyna2019-04-012019-04-012018Przedsiębiorstwo i region z. 10/2018, s. 27–352080-458X main objective of the study is to evaluate the development strategy of the local government unit in the field of culture. Therefore, in the empirical part of the study, the literature on the subject was analyzed, as well as the recognition of the date and stages of the city's development strategy. However, in the research part, an analysis of the city's development strategy in the area of the cultural sector was carried out on the example of the city of Opole. The end result is the presentation of key cultural activities of the local government unit in relation to the local community.polAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Międzynarodowe strategy – citiesculture sectorStrategia rozwoju miasta w obszarze kultury. Studium przypadkuarticle10.15584/pir.2018.10.4