Nowak, Witold2024-02-182024-02-182019-12Warstwy Nr 3 (2019), s. 8-172544-4824 paper analyzes the relation between beauty and utility. The author examines those two values using examples from architecture, interior design, hand-icrafts and mass production. He advances the thesis that the order of beauty and the order of utility need not be separated or absolutized, particularly as regards the latter. He distinguishes between utility in a narrow sense, which is meant to satisfy current and basic needs, and utility in a broader sense, where what is beautiful usually turns out useful, as it provides energy to live, brings joy and aesthetic pleasure. Beautiful objects can also enhance social prestige of creators, customers and owners.polAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 PolandęknoużytecznośćrzeczykolekcjonowaniebeautyutilityobjectscollectingŻyć, aby patrzeć. Refleksje o pięknie i użytecznościLive to look. Reflections on beauty and utilityarticle