Halwa, Adrianna2022-12-292022-12-292022-12Tematy i Konteksty 12(17) 2022, s. 417–4242299-8365https://repozytorium.ur.edu.pl/handle/item/8426Rec.: Artur Żywiołek, „Tristitia moderna. Pasja mitu tristanowskiego w nowoczesnej literaturze, filozofii i muzyce”, TAiWPN Universitas, Kraków 2020, 406 ss.Adrianna Halwa presents a review of the book by Artur Żywiołek “Tristitia moderna – pasja mitu tristanowskiego w nowoczesnej literaturze, filozofii i muzyce” [Tristitia moderna – the passion of the Tristan myth in modern literature, philosophy and music]. Artur Żywiołek in his monograph shows the presence and changes of the Tristan myth in European culture. The author analyzes the turning point of the Modernist era, when there were revolutionary changes in literature, music and philosophy. Żywiołek examines this phenomenon in relation to the Tristan myth, its new interpretations, as well as symbols and cultural codes that it has developed since the Middle Ages.polAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Polandhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/pl/Artur ŻywiołekTristan MythModernismliterature and musicliterature and philosophymit tristanowskimodernizmliteratura i muzykaliteratura i filozofiaObecność mitu tristanowskiego w nowoczesnej literaturze, filozofii i muzyceThe Presence of the Tristan Myth in Modern Literature, Philosophy and Musicreview10.15584/tik.2022.282719-8561