Kominek, Andrzej2022-05-042022-05-042021Słowo. Studia językoznawcze nr 12/2021, s. 75–852082-6931http://repozytorium.ur.edu.pl/handle/item/7698One of the protagonists of the novel “Stone Upon Stone” by Wiesław Myśliwski is Michał Pietruszka. After the dramatic end of his career, Michał returns to the village where he once lived. He becomes nobody due to a mental illness and the loss of social position. He stops talking and communicating with the outside world. The article aims to show that language helps to merge the human self. Besides language, man is nobody and does not exist.polAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Międzynarodowehttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/social interactioncommunicative competencelack of speechmental illnessspeech and communication therapyBo jak żyć i nie mówić. Fenomen izolacji społecznej i komunikacyjnej w powieści „Kamień na kamieniu” Wiesława Myśliwskiegoarticle10.15584/slowo.2021.12.8