Kur-Kononowicz, Jolanta2024-07-082024-07-082024red. Jolanta Kur-Kononowicz, Syberia. Kultura. Tradycja. Język, 2024, s. 93-114978-83-8277-182-4https://repozytorium.ur.edu.pl/handle/item/10684The subject of the analysis is the lexical material extracted from several Siberian dialect dictionaries. Thematic groups are subject to description: religious holidays, fasts; baptism, prayer; harvest, haymaking; other rites; games, fun; social meetings, evenings, parties. An idiographic method of describing the collected lexical material was adopted (using thematic fields). The issue of linguistic transformation in mixed dialects was discussed. In the summary, attention was drawn to the linguistic meaning and cultural value of the collected lexemes. It is shown that the centuries-old process of interpenetration of cultures of a multi-ethnic community is reflected in the language of the inhabitants of Siberia.polAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internationalhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/Siberian traditions and customssecondary and mixed dia- lectslanguage substratelinguistic transformationSiemiansTradycje i obyczaje ludności syberyjskiej w języku na materiale wybranych gwar rosyjskichTraditions and customs of the Siberian population in the language based on selected Russian dialectsbookPart10.15584/978-83-8277-182-4_5