Herbert, Jarosław2017-04-182017-04-182015Herbert J., THE DEVELOPMENT OF BUSINESS TOURISM IN SELECTED HOTEL IN RZESZÓW, Scientific Review of Physical Culture, 2015(4):226-2362083-8581http://repozytorium.ur.edu.pl/handle/item/2400The main theme and mission of this work was to show the development of business tourism on the example of the 10 selected hotel facilities in Rzeszów. I made a general characteristic of business tourism and related issues. In the next part of the work I located research results, their analysis, and the compilation of other similar studies. In the final part of the work I put extensive discussion and a summary of the development of business meetings in the city of Rzeszow. It is worth noting that the expansion of the tourist accommodation, conference facilities and other attractions encourages business visitors to take an interest coming to Rzeszow.engUznanie autorstwa 3.0 Polskahttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/pl/business tourismhotelsRzeszówbusiness meetingsThe development of business tourism in selected hotel in Rzeszówarticle