Maroszczuk, Grażyna2022-12-292022-12-292022-12Tematy i Konteksty 12(17) 2022, s. 169–1812299-8365 aim of this study is a genological analysis of the duo-author book by Wiesław Myśliwski and Tadeusz Bocheński, “Myśliwski-Bocheński. Important conversations” in the context of the ‘new version’ of ‘conversations with the writer’ in the era of internet culture.The guide to the analysis is the question of how this publication engages in dialogue with the convention of ‘significant conversations’ by Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz, an analyst of the discussion. I ask how the conversations with Wiesław Myśliwski problematize the reflection on literature and literary tradition, the writer’s personal narrative and the communicative situation of the conversation. In Myśliwski’s and Bocheński’s dialogue, tradition, the memory of literature and the attitude towards one’s own memories become rather a default system that the recipient should become aware of if he or she wishes to understand the meanings of the conversation between a prose writer and a literary historian.polAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Poland“conversations with the writer”“Important conversations”essayWitkacyMyśliwski„rozmowy z pisarzem”„rozmowy istotne”esejRozmowy istotne „wobec zgiełku spraw nieistotnych”. O interlokucjach Wiesława Myśliwskiego i Tomasza Bocheńskiego. ProlegomenaImportant Conversations “in the Face of the Hustle and Bustle of Unimportant Matters.” On the Interlocutions of Wiesław Myśliwski and Tomasz Bocheński. Prolegomenaarticle10.15584/tik.2022.122719-8561