Baran, Leszek2015-05-132015-05-1320131732-9639 the local elections in 2010 two newspapers in Rzeszów – the local edition of “Gazeta Wyborcza” and “Super Nowości” – tried to make effort to gain a result in the elections for President of Rzeszów and to the City Council. In the article the instruments used by these newspapers are discussed – publications and co-creation of election committee. The text ends with a conclusion that in terms of impact on reality, the ambitions of “GW” could be defined within the media category of soft determinism, but the ambitions of “SN” qualify as media hard determinism.polUznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych 3.0 Polska electionsjournalismpropagandamedia determinismDziennikarstwo czy władza? Ambicje regionalnych dzienników w kontekście samorządowej kampanii wyborczej w 2010 rokuJournalism or Power? Ambitions of regional newspapers in the context of the local government election campaign in 2010article